October exercise challenge


Gold Member
Not quite there yet but think.about what you want to do.
Set yourself a target and see if you can achieve it

I'm in. I'm doing the dreaded bike ride tomorrow but after that I want to continue with my little challenge.
I am currently doing 15 seconds of the plank, 15 tummy crunches & 15 squats atleast once a day. I would like to continue that throughout October and increase the amount by a few every day few days.

Good luck everyone.
My target

Walk 50km
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km
Total exercise sessions 16

Maybe over aiming for swimming and cycling but if I don't set a target I won't try
Also as weather gets wetter swimming may be a better option than cycling
Great, a new month. I'm in.


Steps: 387,500
Excercise classes: 4

Need a target to keep me focussed, especially now that it is getting cooler!
I did the bike ride yesterday, it was more like a mud bath!! But it was so much fun.
No exercise for me today as I ache so much I'm literally struggling to sit in my office chair let alone do anything else, lol!!
Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back on it and will continue doing 15 seconds of the plank, 15 tummy crunches & 15 squats atleast once a day.
Walk 50km 4km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km
Total exercise sessions 16 1 done

I felt guilty and went out. I could have walked about 5km but needed to pee. Just as well ad it started to rain on the way back
Walk 50km 7km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km
Total exercise sessions 16 2 done

Went out for another walk after work, feel good after it
Walk 50km 7km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 8km done
Total exercise sessions 16. 3 done

8 km cycle and it was tough, you really only know what a hill is when you have to cycle it. I went from 37m elevation to 104m. Wrecked now but worth it, really blows the cobwebs away.
Steps: 25,251/ 387,500
Excercise classes:0/ 4

Well done on the bike ride. I wouldn't be able for it.
I have started spinning. My bum hurts like hell after it and the muscles in my thighs are so sore after it.
Isn't spinning cycling? But without the weather
Walk 50km 10.5km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 8km done
Total exercise sessions planned 16. 4 done

3.5km walk with husband and dog after work
Steps: 42,441/ 387,500
Excercise classes:0/ 4

Spinning is cycling but without the scenery and not going at your own pace
Spinning is cycling but without the scenery and not going at your own pace

That's what I thought, I love the whoosh of wind when I cycle and that they wind cools the sweat away.
Walk 50km 10.5km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 18km done
Total exercise sessions planned 16. 5 done

10km cycle and is really was tough. I spent more time in 2nd gear than 6th. I can't believe I made it up the last hill, I had decided I would walk it. I have been known to add 2km to my cycle just to avoid the last hill. Its much more difficult than it was before and I'm only about 2kg heavier than the last time I cycled
Steps: 57,471/ 387,500
Excercise classes: 1/ 4

On track with my steps and I have done my first exercise class. Spinning.

Well done for pushing yourself Tipperary. The spinning instructor pushes me. I would never push myself that hard. It's what I need.
Walk 50km 10.5km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 28km done
Total exercise sessions planned 16. 6 done

10km cycle, same route as yesterday. The hills were just as tough but I cut 5 minutes of my time. 49 mins and 44m
I haven't got any swimming done as while the weather is dry and we still have daylight I'm going out. The pool will still be there when its raining and dark
Walk 50km 14km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 28km done
Total exercise sessions planned 16. 7 done

Short walk this evening. Just 3km, I could have gone a bit longer but had meringues in the oven.
Walk 50km 14km done
Swim 200 lenghts
Cycle 100km 40.5km done
Total exercise sessions planned 16. 8 done

12.5km cycle done.
It was a 13 km circle but I walked 0.5km while I was on the phone to a friend.
I am wondering if the gears on my bike are stiffer or need oiling as the bike feels heavier or harder to cycle than it did. Its like the bike put on weight
Steps: 69,664/ 387,500
Excercise classes: 1/4

On track. Hopefully I will stay on track. Weekends are not my strongest but I will try to improve on them.
Steps: 96,474/ 387,500
Excercise classes: 1/4