PCOS or Something Else :/


New Member
Okay, so I've had 2 periods in the last 6 months, no other symptoms of anything, I get a few twinges down there and have had some spotting at the start of this month. I get so worried that I won't be able to have children and was hoping that once I lost weight, my periods would return to normal :/ I know I should go to the doctor but I have bad anxiety and I just can't drag myself there at the moment :/ I also used to have an eating disorder and fear sometimes that that has affected my fertility. Anyone had anything similar and does anyone think that this will improve as my weight lowers more?
Leesha x
Hi Hun

I would go the doctors don't be too scared of pcos as people like Victoria beckham has it and she is always having kids. Also when you go you will have to display at least 3 of the typical pcos symptoms for them to diagnose you with it. However if you don't they still might want to check your blood and it might show up them. But really hun it is worrying at first but there is so many support groups and things they can do to help

good luck xx
I think you should go to the doctor, because it's highly recommended that any symptoms like spotting do get checked out.

t could well be PCOS but that would depend on an ultrasound/blood test for a firm diagnosis, especially as you say you don't have the other symptoms.

If it is PCOS, as the person above says it really shouldn't be a scary diagnosis, and the dr if good might be able to help you out and check that other issues don't arise (it can be bad for your health if your periods reduce further and you don't get them for months at a time). I'm doing SW too and find that it has worked for me, given that carbs and sugar are naturally limited. I'm trying to stick to wholegrain carbs now and limit my carbs portions and sugar to keep my blood sugar stable. There's lots of advice online about the best diets for PCOS. Losing weight is likely to help your symptoms but it is not a cure-all unfortunately.

Likewise if it is to do with your ED then I'm sure the doctor can help you out with nutrition advice or a referral - for example making sure you're now getting all the right kinds of fats and oils you need for your hormones to work (this is possible on SW through hexBs!). Don't despair, I had a friend who was at death's door with anorexia while we were at uni, and she got pregnant by accident a couple of years ago, she and her little boy are very healthy and happy now, so once again that is not always a life sentence!

Anxiety can be hard but could you try and tell yourself that not knowing is only going to make you more worried? Good luck.
Hey leesha,

I was scared to go talk about my symptoms and thought I'd get laughed at. Eventually I was there for something else and broke down, being honest about my symptoms was the best thing as I wasn't laughed at I was sent for a scan. It didn't hurt and it wasn't invasive (just some gel and a thing that looks like a microphone pushed along the line of where ur pants sit) immediately the assistant was able to tell me I had some cysts and I'd get more info from my doc. We talked about options and I chose to try metformin (was in a state already so I figured what did it hurt) felt sickly to begin with but it wore off and now oh my God I feel so much better! Able to lose weight with slimming world (tried before but failed) made a huge difference. So be brave hun, have a go, the anxiety of not knowing is worse than the steps to get healthy I promise.

Good luck
Huge hugs xxx

Ps i had a 'general anxiety disorder' after being on metformin I now have no signs of anxiety and feel great!