Seriously, who forgets?!


x x x
No, this isn't an ignored on Valentine's day whinge...

How the hell did I forget I am allergic to goats cheese?

I'm all rashy and itchy and about ready to claw my skin off IT'S SO ANNOYINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!

(I'd just like to say that yes, I am aware that I am very lucky in that it isn't a more serious reaction :))

Anyone else got any allergies? I'm curious...
Eek! Thats not good! Have you got any anti histamines to take?
Im allergic to just about everything so I keep a stash on me at all times :)
I have to avoid citric fruit like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit etc. I have lactofree milk (although I am ok with small amounts of normal cows milk), and theres plenty of other things that I wont bore you with lol
I took some at teatime, I think they helped for maybe 5 minutes haha! I just can't believe I forgot, what a tart, really!! Poor blokey went to such an effort with that meal too, oops... it was tasty though!

Ooh I'm the same with oranges, they make my tummy sooore, really sore.... not pleasant.

Other than those 2 though, I'm pretty agreeable to most food. Could do with an allergy to chocolate .....
Ahh yes, chocolate, im really craving some right now ><