Taking it slow, making it easy.

Okay, I know it's not easy but I've been on facebook and keep coming across posts from people who are desperate to lose weight FAST and are gutted when they can't sustain big losses all the time even though they are starving their bodies. I have been fat for nearly all my adult life and understand where they are coming from because I've been there but the truth is it just doesn't work. So I'm looking for a longterm way of eating that works for me and that I can sustain permanently. Slimming World is the closest I've come to the right eating plan but it is hard to sustain outside of the home and the plan is a bit 'one size fits all'. The new WW freestyle looks interesting as it's a lot like slimming world but a bit more flexible when you are on the go but it means more counting and once my enthusiasm wears off then that's a stumbling block.
For now I'm doing Slimming World at home with a few tweaks, tweak is a swear world at Slimming World which is a pity as I think that there is a big difference between tweaking a plan to make it more sustainable for you and doing what they used to call food abuse. I think knowing how to tweak is the difference between sustaining weight loss when times are hard and throwing in the towel. My starting weight was 16st10lb. The last time I weighed in I was 15st11lb but I have been on holiday since then so it will be interesting to see what a week off plan has done.
Hi Sue and welcome

It's a bit quiet in here at the moment but there are people doing SW and WW, as well as other plans, so lots of good advice available :).

Good luck with your journey and we'll be here to shout you on!

Thank you for the welcome Susie. I had a diary on here a few years ago but couldn't remember the password so thought it was best to start anew. December is such a difficult month and chocolates are my kryptonite. I'm hoping to maintain until January then get stuck into my diet and to minimins.
Hon sue, you look familiar - I think maybe we chatted when you were on here before. Are you in Scotland?

Anyways, welcome (back). I’m just rejoining myself after a month astray 😊
Hon sue, you look familiar - I think maybe we chatted when you were on here before. Are you in Scotland?

Anyways, welcome (back). I’m just rejoining myself after a month astray 😊
Hi Claire, yes I used to be Bellybling. I haven't really got my head around Minimins yet or caught up with everyone. I need to read everyones posts as I see there are a lot of people back and I 'met' such lovely people last time. Susi x
I haven't been on here for months. Struggling at the moment. My grown-up son has moved back in and that has upset my routine, as well as meaning there is lots more fattening food in the kitchen, Also I haven't been exercising much, except for the occasional swim, so I'm burning fewer calories. I feel like I'm seesawing between categories of fattness, if that makes sense. At 14st I'm fat but no longer handicapped by it. My mobility was being compromised at 18st 7lbs and my health was suffering particularily once I hit my 50's. I am however still fat, still held back by it, and too close to drifting back up. I would like to be under 13st by New Year which should be doable but I seem to be self sabotaging at the moment.
Welcome back, Sue. Great that you are stopping the rot.

I'm still at that so fat it handicaps me. When I sit down in the dunes, it's an effort to get up. So I cant wait to chase you down to 14 stone something!

What programme are you going to follow to shed the next bit?
Hi AliGal, I am basically counting calories. 1800 a day lets me lose slowly without feeling too deprived but I keep going over. Just by a few hundred but its enough to tip the balance. I've lost before with slimming world but found it too hard to stick to when life was busy and cooking from scratch wasn't so practical. MFP suits me but I'm having late night fckit's and hitting the biscuits after I've had my meals. I'm on insulin so sometimes the urge is because of my blood sugar being a wee bit low but I need to curb the late night snacking. I do notice a big difference with things like being able to sit on the floor and actually being able to get up again by myself. My plan is to eat roughly the same amount that I would if I was maintaining my ideal weight because I tend to yoyo on restrictive diets and I really didn't know how to maintain. I am hoping that I can practice normal eating and learn how much that is for me.
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That sounds like a good plan!

Come and join us on the Slimmer for Christmas thread. You copy and paste the latest list and add yourself to the bottom with a target by Xmas. Then you update each week.
I've joined the Christmas challenge. 17lbs. Even if I don't make it, it will give me another layer of accountability. I managed to stay in line yesterday despite going to bed late. I weigh daily and then take a weekly average and it's shocking how much weight can change day to day. Weekly weighing can be so inaccurate. At the moment I fluctuate between 13st 12lb and 14st 4lb with an average of 14st 2.6lb. I've tried monthly weighing and that was quite good too if you can keep off the scales but weekly depends too much on how much water you are retaining on the day. Today I go swimming with one of my Grandkids so I will get a bit of exercise though not very strenuous.
Yes- I'm a daily weigher and am up and fine like yoyo. The Slimmer for Christmas thread helps me see weekly progress - small and slightly more!

You are right about the Christmas target - we make it or we dont make it but either way, we'll be lighter than we are today. Great you've joined.
Saturday didn't go as planned. I had a massive and unexpected hypo just before swimming so spent the day inhaling food and feeling like crap. I haven't had a hypo out of the blue like that for at least 3 months. Anyhow it wasn't a good day. Sunday was much better and lovely and hot. Went to Rockcliffe and did the coastal walk. Monday wasn't a Bank Holiday so business as usual. I managed to eat exactly 1800 calories and did some stretching. Today is Tuesday and everything is ok so far.


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Oh gosh sorry to hear about the sudden hypo! But glad you got out and about and enjoyed the sunshine once you felt better.
I have joined the council gym. The main one is 18 miles away so I won't get to many classes as they are all held there but we do have a swimming pool and a very small gym here in town. It doesn;t have a lot of equipment but you do sometimes get it to yourself. So far only gone for a swim and a sauna at the main one but hoping to get a look around the big gym next week.
Good plan. I love swimming but it's 29 miles to a mediocre pool or a very small one locally (both ex council) with mixed sex showers visible from poolside. I've not swum in the sea this year as I'm not finding getting off the sand easy. Guess that will be easier when I'm several stone lighter.