The Happy Clappy CD1000ers ♥

Thanks love, 1lb down for me, happy with that as 3 lbs left till target! Wooooo! Will post properly later x
Happy Halloween ladies!!!

I went out on Saturday all dressed up. Lots of vodka and a drunken crisp/cake incident but scales seem to have stayed the same all week. Seem to be in the swing of things now and happy to maintain.

Well done on your loss violet.

Hope everyone is doing on :)

This was my outfit ....

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OMG Nat your waist is insane!!!! You look amazing xxxx
:) thanks chick. The amazing power of a corset. Weighed myself before I went put was 11st


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Wow you've done incredibly, I bet people didn't recognise you :D

I weighed in this morn at 11st 8lbs, target is 11.5 to get bmi to under 25 but would like to get down to 10.7 ideally. Just noticed we're the same target (i know mine still says 11.5 but i want to hit that one before changing it ;)) and same height too :)
Nat you look absolutely fantastic - that outfit is amazing:D:D:D
Do any of you lovely ladies go to the gym? I'm seriously considering taking a membership now I'm on a higher step!
ps do you think I could have a rice cake instead of toast for breaky?
i've started exercising now, only 2-3 times a week (although that's more due to time than anything). i do a toning exercise video and in a few weeks when i feel fitter i'm going to be going to the gym. i definitely need to be a regular at the gym by the time i go up another step!

as for breakfast, i would guess that if it is the same-ish calories you will be fine as it is a similar kind of food. although a rice cake may not give you as much energy as brown bread as it is less filling.
Hello lovelies :)

Hope everyone is well. I do exercise.... Not as much the last few weeks as I've been so busy but I do gym and swim. 30 mins jog on the treadmill and 40 lengths in the pool. My fitness has definitely improved. I couldn't even jog 5 mins when I started and I've been doing 30 day shred but my DVD player is broken so missing that one. Need to get toned as im just do squishy and wobbly everywhere!!!

Had my weigh in this evening. I lost the 2lbs I gained last week so back down to 10.12 :).

For the next 2 weeks in going to be doing 1500cal plan as im off work and got loads on. Tomorrow going to stoke with the oh for his Nans funeral. Staying 2 nights with his relatives. Saturday is a night out to watch my cousins band play in Reading. Then next week Tuesday-Thursday I'm in London visiting my auntie and going to the theatre to see wizard of oz. then Friday off to totnes for a weekend away in a cottage.
I thought I'm happy where I am weight wise at the moment and would like to enjoy the precious time off work with family without worrying if I'm losing weight. I will be strict in my calorie consumption but not too worried if I gain those pesky 2lbs again.

Ahhh I can't wait to not be at work. I'll keep checking in here though to see how you are all doing.

Natalie xxx

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Ahh good for you, hope you enjoy your time off :) I might have to look into this shred dvd think I need too badly, I'm so wobbly :p
Hope all goes well with the funeral and you enjoy the rest of your hols xx
Yeh get the shred. It's amazing :) hard but works. I've got my boss at work doing it now too! Xx

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Do you need any equipment to do the dvd? I've got free weights but that's about it!
I started with a 3lb weight in each hand now have 5lb too. Just to mix it up a bit. And a matt if you are doing it on a hard floor xxx

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Do any of you lovely ladies go to the gym? I'm seriously considering taking a membership now I'm on a higher step!

violet there is a nice thread on minis about kettlebells, I have bought the whole CD set for something around 60 pounds which is way less than a subscription to a gym, much more effective and less time consuming (20 mn 3 times a week). It is giving really great results.
hello ladies may I join you at some point ? i've been doing the Dutch version of CD sole source for 5 months now (which is 4 shakes amounting a total of 800 calories per day), and lost over 50 pounds. I feel great. I've discovered that I carry a baby and nauseas started to pop in which are actually getting much better when I am on shakes. so I have a choice, either eat whatever I want to and throw up everything, and finish up undernourrished as for my other pregnancies, or go on with the shakes while adding some more calories as much as I can take (mainly vegetables and some olive oil in my soup). I would need your help when I'm feeling well enough to introduce more food and an actual meal because I have only the dutch version of CD books and I'm french. So I don't understand 10% of what is written ;)
Wow congratulations illa! How exiting :)

Is it ok to follow cd while pregnant, in uk its not recommended but maybe different in holland? Of course we'd love to have you here but just check with cd 1st. Is this your 1st baby? Xxxxx
I can take photos from my bookto show you the steps when/if you need it x
hello Violet, I actually talked to my midwife about this as she knows how I have been feeling during my last pregnancy and she looked at the content of shakes and we've decided on an eating plan together. She agrees with me that I've been feeling very sick, and malnourrished during my last pregnancy (I actually lost 10 pounds in a few weeks) and that it seems the shakes are doing me good and weirdly making me lose weight slower. I take vitamins, fatty acids, and she said that I need to ad more food if my stomach can take it. It's for me to see how my body takes it. I don't think my CDC would allow me to go on with the shakes because of CD regulations which are understandable but I know here doctors say proteins shakes are an allowable complement to a pregnant woman diet. And I totally trust my midwife in pregnancy matters ;)

Oh no it's my 5th pregnancy ;)