To anyone who has had a long break or has done re-feeding


Full Member
Ive read alot about hair shedding once you've stopped the diet or once on breaks. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and if so to what extent? A few months after having my little girl i lost a lot of hair and im dreading this happening once ive completed this diet.
I have shead some hair since reaching goal and refeeding. It's a bit annoying as th new growth is all at the same length and sticks up at the moment but it'll be better with time. My hair was thin at one point but it's thickening up again. Nothing terrible.
I have had hair loss during the diet and still suffering from it now, my hair is thinner but I have heard it will get better within a year of stopping so I look forward to that! I didn't know it was something specific to breaks or finishing the diet or anything.
Sometimes people stop losing hair during the diet as the body doesn't have the calories to spend on regrowing hair - so it holds on to what it's got. Then when calories are increased your body let's the hair go (all that you would have lost slowly at once) and starts to regrow the hair. This can lead to a period of time with thin hair.