Search results

  1. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast wheatabix (b) milk (a) Lunch SW quiche loaf with quorn sausages instead of ham salad carrot 1 babybelle light (a) muller light apple Snack apple alpen light (1/2 b) Dinner 2 x quorn chicken burger (4 sysn) extra light mayo (4 syns) large mushroom grilled SW butternut...
  2. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast wheatabix and fruit with milk banana Snack apple 1 x scanbran Lunch bean and quorn chilli cous-cous 4 x scan bran (b) muller light toffee Snack alpen light bar (3 sysn) apple Dinner bean and quorn chilli rice 2 x piece choc (4 syns) 1 slice SW egg quiche loaf...
  3. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Well done on the loss!!! I kind of have tried a few days where I have only had one HB and had potato with my main, but just so used to red and green it worry it'll not work! But so many people rave about EE have been thinking about giving it a go. Good luck with WI this week - am sure one...
  4. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - GREEN B'fast bitesize shreadwheat (b) milk (a) pink grapefruit Lunch apple bananna alpen light bar Dinner quorn chicken escalope (4 syns) homemade curry sauce with veg (1 syn) rice 1/2 bag stirfry veg strawbs low fat natural yog with sweetner SYNS chocolate (8 syns) high lights...
  5. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast alpen light (b) with milk apple Lunch 2 x egg, 2 x quorn sausages 3 x slices ham with mustard apple alpen light bar Snack apple alpen light bar (b) muller light frozen vanilla Dinner - thai meal to celebrate finishing my probation period at work and payrise! prawn...
  6. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hiya - how you gettin on with EE? x
  7. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    0.5 off - bit disapointed but better off than's hoping for more next week. x
  8. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast Alpen light (b) with milk apple Lunch plumb tomatoes 2xquorn sauages 2 x poached egg mushrooms muller light apple 4 x scanbran Dinner baked beans 1 x scan bran (rest of b) quorn chicken burgers x2 ainsley harriet lental dahl 1 x piece choclolate (1 syn)
  9. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - RED B'fast sugar free Muselli with low fat natural yog (b) apple Lunch vegetable omlette salad muller light with 5 x scan bran (b) apple Dinner chicken salad 1 stick of pitta bread (2 syns) apple 3 x satsumas SYNS 3 x glasses sparking rose - (12 syns)
  10. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Mushroom omlette pink grapefruit Lunch tuna mayo (1 desert spoon extra light mayo - 2 syns) salad muller light apple alpen light (1/2 b) Snack alpen light (1/2 b) Dinner salad butternut squash sw chips chicken with mushroom, spinach sauce - low fat natural yog and 1...
  11. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B’fast Mushroom omelette Lunch Butternut squash and chilli soup Apple Melon and strawberries Toffee muller light Snack Apple Dinner SW potato and vegetable curry 2 x alpen light (b) Ovaltine light (2 syns) ½ a nice biscuit (1 syn?) accidentally missed out on 2nd b and a's...
  12. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast wheatbix (b) milk (a) apple Lunch Butternut squash and chilli homemade SW soup 4 x ryvita (b) apple muller light Dinner Quorn cottage pie made with bovril and butternut squash topping 1 babybelle light (a) strawbs and melon with low fat natural yog 1 piece choc (2...
  13. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Another -1lb bites that dust= -21lb total since March! Love Slimming World! Someone at work and one of boyfriends friends keep asking me questions once they see how much 'normal' food I can eat and drink they they have decided to join SW too!! x
  14. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Lost -1lb lat week, am pleased with that, slow and steady! Although had a heavy weekend, as we had friends over on Friday for a bbq, I spent Saturday with my brother and we had lunch out and dinner out then Sunday was my Dad's birthday lunch so spent Saturday and Sunday night at my parents -...
  15. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast muller light with 28g muesli apple banana Lunch chicken boiled small new potatoes x 3, carrots, broccoli, ham strawbs and raspberries with muller light vanilla choc mint 2 x sqaure dark chocolate (2 syns) 1/2 small glass of red wine Dinner tin of plumb tomatoes with...
  16. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday B'fast 2x quorn sausages 1 x egg apple Snack 2 x alpen light (b) muller light vanilla Lunch - out salad chicken breast dressing - think olive oil and vinegar Snack 2 x ww biscuits 2 x square chocolate Dinner thai - beef, vegetables, prawn soup, few noodles, mango salad beer x 3...
  17. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - RED 2 x quorn sausages 1 x dry fry egg banana Lunch chicken breast with herbs salad apple muller light Dinner BBQ - home made turkey burgers chicken drumsticks all fat and skin removed sausage salad 1/2 small baked potato (b) strawbs and rasberries low fat natural yog SYNS 3 x gnt...
  18. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hiya - let me know how you get on with EE - been thinking the same myself this week, never done it before so bit unsure how it works! Good luck - hope you get fab results!!! x
  19. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - RED B'fast wheatabix (b) milk (a) Snack apple alpen light (b) Lunch tuna mayo (2 syns) salad muller light apple alpen light (b) Dinner thai fish cakes - 3 cod fillets, 100g king prawns, garlic, chilli flakes, kaffa lime leaves, onion and spring onion - blitzed in blender and...
  20. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Just typing these details here as I keep looking them up and forgetting why the syn value is! Fruit bowl yogurt covered strawberry pieces - 5.5 SYNS per bag Chocolate buttons - 4 SYNS per bag Snack a Jack Curls - 5 SYNS per bag
  21. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast wheatabix (b) milk (a) apple Lunch speed soup 4 x ryvita (b) apple muller light Dinner quorn sausage x 2 1 egg apple satsuma banana Snack apple SYNS rest of choc buttons think 7. (1.3 syns) rest of yog coated strawbs (1.8 syns) gin and slim line tonic x 4 (10 syns)...
  22. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Wheatabix (b) milk (a) Snack apple alpen light (1/2 b) Lunch Speed soup muller light apple Dinner mashed potatoes, left over quorn meatballs in vegetable sauce cauliflower apple 1/2 muller light SYNS 7 chocolate buttons (1.3 syns?) 8 pieces of strawberries covered in...
  23. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday -GREEN B'fast Shreaded wheat (b) milk (a) apple Snack Alpen light Lunch 2x quorn sausages ketchup and mustard (2 syns) apple Dinner SW jambalaya - rice, vegetables, tomatoes, chopped quorn meatballs, chicken bovril stock and herbs strawbs and grapes with natural low fat yog and...
  24. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I know - must really have a think and try and to work them in better. Thanks for the pointer Derbynanny! x
  25. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast poached egg x 2 tomato quorn sausages x 2 apple Lunch chicken, carotts, broccoli, mangetout and sugarsnap peas activa fat free yog options white hot choc (2.5 syns) Snack alpen light ovaltine light (2 syns) 6 choc coffee beans (3 syns) banana
  26. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast Shreaded wheat bitesize (b) milk (a) banana apple Lunch steak, mushroom, tomato and salad Snack apple alpen light bar (b) Dinner 2 x quorn frankfurters mustard ketchup Friends 30th Birthday - gin n slim x3 mojito x 2 rum and diet coke x 1 vodka and diet coke x 3 apple...
  27. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So excited, today was 1st weigh in after holiday -3lbs = -20lbs in total!!! 8lbs more till 2 stone loss!!!
  28. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Wooop!!!! 11.8.2 - lost 3lbs despite boozing on holiday! Although did stick to plan food wise all week bar one day when I treated mysealf to chips!! Thrilled that is 20lbs off!!!
  29. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Excited and nervous about WI tomorrow - 1st since got back from holiday on Sat. Eeek!!! x
  30. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - RED B'fast 28g porridge soaked over night with fat free natural yog, chopped plumb, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries pink grapefruit Lunch tuna with 3 teaspoons extra light mayo (4 syns) salad muller light apple Snack apple alpen light (b) Dinner Chicken baked with...
  31. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast Shredded wheat bitesize (b) milk (a) banana Lunch fritata with aspargus, baby corn, mushrooms, onion, broccoli salad apple muller light Snack apple Dinner quorn cottage pie, topping made with butternut squash and 1 potato 1 baby belle light melted (a) peas 1/2...
  32. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday -GREEN B'fast Porridge Lunch egg salad, apple Snack apple alpen light bar Dinner quorn chicken burger (2 syns) quorn chicken nuggets x 4 (6 sysn) mixed beans with a spicy tomato sauce butternut squash chips muller light Ovaltine light (2 syns)
  33. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast wheatbix (b) milk (a) banana Lunch left over quorn spag bol apple Snack apple x2 alpen light bar (b) Dinner quorn chicken burger x 2 (4 syns) new potatoes, salad strawbs and muller light Ovalitine light - (2 syns) 2 squares lindt dark chocolate (4 syns)
  34. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast Wheatbix (b) Milk (a) bannana Lunch salad apple muller light Snack apple Dinner quorn chicken escalope (4 syns) rice with home made curry sauce (1 syn) muller light with few fresh cherries ovaltine light (2 syns)
  35. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks!!!! Well that is what I am hoping!!! ;)
  36. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Got back from holiday yesterday...not weighed myself yet, although I did really try to be on plan food-wise as I knew it would be way off the scale booze wise!!! But we had fun and with a group of 12 of us cocktails and wine were part and parcel of the holiday! Sunday GREEN B'fast shredded...
  37. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday (I ate as best I could with what was put in front of me!!) B’Fast Special K Milk Apple and banana Lunch Apple Vegetable soup Alpen light Dinner 3 chipolata sausages, 2 slices of bacon (fat removed) and 1 small hash brown Mandarins and pear Alpen light
  38. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday GREEN B’fast Wheatbix (b) Milk (a) Pink grapefruit Lunch Baby leaf salad, tomatoes, cucumber and mixed veg couscous Melon Muller light Snack Apple Alpen light Dinner Salad, small piece of lasagne
  39. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday GREEN B'fast wheatabix (b) milk (a) banana Snack Apple Lunch left over vegetable frittata, left over vegetable couscous melon apple Dinner vegetable curry made with courgette, spinach, broccoli, onion, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes with rice fruit salad of melon, grapes, strawbs...
  40. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Going to have to give these ago!!! ;)
  41. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    sts this week, weighed in yesterday as was away friends wedding for Saturday's wi- was a day off plan I was allowing myself a day to do that though as knew it would be filled with champagne, lovely food and cake as her mum makes cupcakes and wedding cakes for a living! had hoped to loose a 2lbs...
  42. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday GREEN B’Fast Shredded wheat bite size (b) Milk Beans, 2 x quorn sausages, 1 egg, mushrooms Snack Apple 1 x alpen light (1/2 b) Lunch Picnic for boyfriends 30th; (all home-made) Potato salad, (2 syns), roasted vegetable couscous, vegetable frittata, salad with tomatoes, cucumber and...
  43. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday B'fast 2 x alpen light (b) muller light toffee Lunch chicken, spring greens, mashed carotts, sweed and turnip, mangetout, sweetcorn, muller light tropical Tea 2 quorn frankfurtters (3 syns) with 1 teaspoon mustard (1 syn) apple pink grapefruit
  44. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday GREEN B'fast quorn sasuages x 2, quorn chicken burgers x 2 (4 syns) baked beans, cherry tomatoes, dry fried egg, mushrooms Lunch 28g muselli (b) with muller light apple 1 piece chocolate (3 syns) Snack 2 x alpen lights (b) Dinner quorn meatballs, tomatoes, leeks, garlic, peppers...
  45. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday Well yesterday I just was at a friends wedding and lets just say it was neither red nor green but I had allowed myself the day to enjoy and boy did I enjoy myself - still recovering at 5.30 in the evening!!! But regardless of the fact I had alot of 'bad' things I am still going to do the...
  46. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday GREEN B'fast Shreaded wheat bitsize (b) milk (a) pink grapefruit Lunch Omelette withs pinah, courgette, green pepper and mushrooms, rocket, tomatoe and cucumber apple muller light with strabws Snack Alpen light (b) apple Dinner quorn chicken breaded (4 syns) home made curry...
  47. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks Teresa, I think I might try to work in a few more along with a few more SYNS. I'm off on holiday for a week on 14th May so trying to be good till then - damage limitation! x
  48. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday RED B'fast wheatabix (b) with strawbs milk (1/2 a) Snack Apple alpen light bar (3 SYNs) Lunch Tuna salad, extra light mayo (2 syns) tomoatoes, cucumber, baby leaves and onion Muller light vanilla with strawbs Pear Dinner chicken stuffed with quark, garlic and herbs wrapped in...
  49. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Hi there! Can I join this thread? Have just got out of the 12's - starting weight was 12.13 now at 11.11, need 3lb's more to get to Club ten and 4lb's more to get to 1.5stone - my 2nd goal. I have been keeping a food diary on here also to keep me on track. But would love to join you guys on...
  50. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday – GREEN B’fast Porridge, natural low fat yog, blueberries, strawbs Lunch Cold biryani with beans and quorn chicken pieces Apple Muller light with added blueberries, raspberries and strawbs Snack Apple Dinner Spring green risotto, with asparagus, courgette, leek, mangetout, cucumber
  51. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday GREEN B’Fast Wheatbix x 2 (b) Milk (1/2 a) Apple Lunch Baked potato Baked beans Salad Snack Strawbs and low fat natural yog Dinner Quorn shepherd’s pie with swede topping, mini babybelle (a) courgette, baked beans, mushrooms, carrot Broccoli and peas Strawbs, red grapes, kiwi, and...
  52. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday RED (meal out) B'fast 28g shreaded wheat (b) milk (a) grapefruit Snack apple alpen light bar Lunch 1 boiled egg 2 carrotts muller lights cherry apple Dinner - meal out at ASK Small prawns in tomatoe and chilli sauce with rocket Baked seabass with tomatoes and mushroom, side sald...
  53. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Hi carbs4ever, I don't think the plan stipulates 1/3 anywhere for the original plan. I just find it works for me in that I am always full and really seems to have kept me with constant losses (touchwood!) ;) Last time I did SW I mainly lived on green free, pasta, potatoes etc and still lost 2.5...
  54. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday RED shreaded wheat 28 g (b) milk (a) pink grapefruit Snack apple Lunch mushroom omlette salad, tomatoes, cucumber 1/2 tablespoon mayo extra light (1.5 syns) mini babybelle light (a) mini milk (1.5 syn) Dinner steak all fat removed, butternut squash sw chips, salda, large...
  55. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday GREEN B'fast 28g bitesize shreaded wheat (b) milk (a) pink grapefruit Lunch 2 fried eggs (fry light) 1 quorn sausage apple Dinner quorn chicken burger x 2 (4 SYNS) Butternut squash sw chips, salad, tomatoes, cucumber extra light mayo (2.5 SYNS) 1/2 melon and strawbs SYNS Dry...
  56. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday GREEN B'fast 28g porridge oats soaked over night in a muller light with rasberries, blackberries and chopped apple Lunch rice and bean salad, with chopped tomatoes, cucumber, mangetout, spring onion and mushroom pear apple Snack Grapes Dinner quorn chicken and vegtable birriani...
  57. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So pleased today, 1st time someone has noticed the loss, a guy at work... Plus had a sneaky look on the scales yesterday and think I have comfortably hit the -1 stone mark. So should be out of the 12's and hitting the 11's come official WI Sat (fingers crossed) Am a little bit in love with SW at...
  58. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday RED B'fast 28grams muselli with muller light vanilla banana Lunch baby leaf salad, tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion, egg and cubed ham low fat activia yog Snack Apple Dinner Chicken stuffed with quark, garlic and herbs wrapped in 1 slice bacon, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots and...
  59. cnicolaf

    gonna give food diary a go!

    Hi Carbs4ever! Congrats on starting SW again - I did the same about 7/8 weeks ago, exactly same as you lost it all on SW before and gradually put it all back on! So I am now doing it solo at home. I started a food diary a few weeks back too and have been finding it really helpful. Good luck...
  60. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday RED B'fast Wheatabix (b) milk (a) pink grapefruit Lunch baby leaf Salad, tomatoes, cucumber and spring onion with chicken and ham cubes strawbs and kiwi with low fat natural yog pear apple Dinner Steak, broccoli, carrots, baby sweetcorn kiwi and vanilla muller light Snack Vanilla WW...
  61. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday GREEN B'fast 1/2 melon wheatbix (b) milk (a) Lunch 2 x poached eggs 1 slice ww bread (b) 1/2 melon 1 x mini milk - 1.5 SYNS Dinner Spring Green Risotto - courgette, onion, garlic, asparagus, leek, peas and mange-tout 1 desert spoon pecerino cheese - (a) low fat natural yog with...
  62. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks Beegee, is defo becoming a way of life as it where than a diet, slow and steady wins the race!!! As they say! ;) Have just had a look at your food diary - will most def be trying out some of your green ideas!!! You have done amazingly well!!! :) X
  63. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday RED Easter Sunday at my parents = high SYN day but... could have been alot worse considering there was Christmas pudding, apple crumble and Eton Mess for pudding with lots and lots of chocolates being passed round!!! Think I made sensible choices while not depriving myself - and after...
  64. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday RED B'fast Strawbs and blueberries with natural low fat yog and 1/2 melon 1 alpen light (1/2 b) Snack Apple Lunch 2 x poached eggs 1 x alpen light (1/2 b) apple vanilla muller light with 1 kiwi Dinner 6 x tiger prawns with chilli and garlic steamed cod with ginger and garlic...
  65. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Woop!!! thanks Derbynanny! X
  66. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday GREEN B'fast Wheatabix (b) Milk (a) Strawbs and 1/2 melon Snack Apple Alpen light x 2 Lunch Salad fruit salad yoghurt satsuma Dinner Quorn meatballs and spaghetti SAUCE - made with - 2x spag boll oxo cubes (3 SYNs) courgette, tomatoes, onion, garlic, mushrooms, yellow pepper...
  67. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday GREEN B'Fast Wheatabix (b) milk (a) Lunch frittata with green veg and salad apple Snack Alpen light Dinner Small baked potato, baked beans and salad SYNS 2 x large gin and slim line tonic - (10 syns) Drinks Coffee x 2 Sugar free squash x 3 diet coke x 1
  68. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Awesome!!! :) Thanks LornaGrace
  69. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks Teresa. Yes that's the one - I didn't realise! Gutted. I am off work today so might pop to Asda and get some molds - also some lolly molds as LOVE frozen nuller light as a treat in the evening! x
  70. cnicolaf

    Anyone 12 stones to 11 stones

    Thanks slimmingjess. My 1st goal is to reach 1 stone mark by or before my holiday on 14th May - we are going with 5 other couples - all the other girls are naturaly slim and while I am past the comparing myself with people day-day sat round a pool in bickini I am DREADING!!! Anyhow am going...
  71. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday GREEN B'Fast Wheatabix (b) milk (1/2 a) apple Snack Carrotts Apples walkers sunbites (6 syns) Lunch couscous with salad, tomaot, cucumber and spring onion bananna apple yoghurt Dinner 2 chicken quorn burgers (4 syns) butternut squash and potato SW chips peas, salad, mayo (2 syns)...
  72. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Ah thanks Emmaline, really appreciate your support. x
  73. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I have been doing SW at home for the past 7 weeks been slow and steady losses to date, started off at 12.13 last WI I was 12.2, was pleased however feeling smug I weighed myself this morning and rather than the 12.0 winking back at me there was a 3.5lb gain!!! :( I did SW at a group 2 years...
  74. cnicolaf

    Anyone 12 stones to 11 stones

    Hi, I have been doing SW at home for the past 7 weeks been slow and steady losses to date, started off at 12.13 last WI I was 12.2, was pleased however feeling smug I weighed myself this morning and rather than the 12.0 winking back at me there was a 3.5lb gain!!! :( Am sooo desperate to get...
  75. cnicolaf

    Food Diary

    Hi Rainbow rose!! Thank you so much, is nice to know there are people out there!! Good luck to you too. xx
  76. cnicolaf

    Wednesday Weigh in

    Good luck tomorrow!! I am a bit annoyed, as Saturday we had friends down for the weekend who we only see 2/3 times a year so I manged to way over indulge on the Red Vino!!!:( I'd been really good and made the Butter Chicken from the current mag (v tasty) and had 100% been on plan all week but...
  77. cnicolaf

    Wednesday Weigh in

    Hi there, thanks for the reply! Well done on your loss. I am still learning how this site works so only just saw your thread!! X
  78. cnicolaf

    Food Diary

    I am going SW so far I have lost 7lbs. I write my food diary on paper but thought might help to post it on here to maybe get some ideas and tips I am going wrong/right! I mainly do green days as find I can fill up more easily on the free green foods than red, but I do tend to do at least one...
  79. cnicolaf

    Wednesday Weigh in

    Hi I have just joined the site, I have done Slimming World in the past attending groups but I have a new job and am unable to make any of the sessions so am doing it from home. I am going to do a weigh in every Wednesday - can I join in?