OK the snow is out and it doesn't feel like we are in Spring....but we are
So shake off the snow and get moving.
What do you challenge yourself to do this month.
January is almost over.
Spring just springing and the sun is coming out so easier to get some exercise done.
What are your plans for exercise this month?
Remember, only 28 days this month so adjust your target
Set your own goal and challenge yourself.
Only two days left so time to plan your January challenge.
Same format as always, set your own goals for the month and then count down each day as you exercise. Can you beat yourself?
Hi all time to plan for Novembers exercise challenge which starts on Wednesday
Same as usual, set your own goals and try to meet them by the end of the month.
Swimming lenghts
Walking distance
Bouncing on a trampoline
Spinning classes
Running up stairs
...everything is in, whatever you...
Hey all!!!
I've booked some zumba classes through groupon but have to used them within a month. So will be going twice a week for 4 weeks..... Just interested, how often do people usually go? I have seen options to book 4 classes a week but I couldn't afford this and I work odd hours so I...