11 pounds from goal and STUCK!


Full Member
I've been on CWP for 6 or 7 weeks now. It's my second time around and last time I got down to this same weight (11st11) and then I moved away from my CDC and hello takeaways and booze! Anyhow I'm determined to reach goal and maintain it this time but now I'm stuck!

I lost (barely) 1 lb at last weigh in and I'm worried this week I'll STS or maybe gain. This last weekend I relaxed my diet a bit as went home for
Mothers day and had a few drinks and nuts etc, and probably larger portions than normal. So this week I am sticking religiously to it but I'm worried I'll never get past this mental and physical hurdle!

Has anyone else had a weight the just couldn't get past? I know if I stick with it, I'll get there, but I'm longing for the long gone weeks of 5lb losses plus!
Hi guys! Hope you're all doing well! So I managed a 1lb loss that week and over the last 2 weeks lost one pound a week. I'm am on 810 but I've had a few digressions from the exact diet. Cutting carbs in general I find easy. But cutting the fat (cheese/beef etc) and the booze (wine and gin) I struggle with!

I'm quite irritated with myself as I am DYING to move up to stage 3 but I'm also a bit scared of proper carbs... Rice!?! Potatoes?!? Anyway the thought excites me but I'm not moving up until I reach my goal weight (9lbs to go!) and with my cheating it's taking such a long time!!

Anyway that was my confession. I'm hoping I'll be better over the next coming weeks. Anyone else struggling out there? I'll keep u updated! Xx
Hi everyone! Hope CD is treating you well!

I'm still losing 1 pound a week! It's not fast enough! Fingers crossed for a better week this week.

I've changed tactics this week: before I would have my breakfast tetra on the train before work. I'm not really a breakfast person but lately I have been hungry in the mornings, but I find I get through my 3 products so fast!!

So now I am glugging the water on the train instead an having my first product at lunchtime. This means I up my water intake and it's almost like having an extra product a day!

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and so skipping it might not be the best thing- however it is known to be a trick of personal trainers to exercise early in the morning as the body, depleted of food, burns fat for energy. And posh spice (okay- not my body role model, but as skinny as they come!!) drinks a double expresso in the morning before running "like a bat out of hell"!

When (or if) I move up to the 1000 plan I will have to eat breakfast (not sure how I will manage seeing as I have approx 3 seconds to eat brekkie in the mornings before leaving) so its something I have to get used to.

What does everybody else think? What time do you have your first pack?? X
Hi everybody! So I had another weigh in yesterday and I am ecstatic because I lost 4 pounds!! After weeks and weeks of 1 pound losses, I have no idea how I did it!! I'm now 4 pounds away from my goal of 11stone! I never thought I'd get here!!

So I'm carrying on with 810 for another 10 days and then I'm probably, hopefully going to move up to 1000 plan. OMFG?!?!! So excited and scared about it, and also cannot wait to use my recipe book more!!

I really am feeling great and so happy with figure. Yesterday I wore a fitted dress (with spanx!) and felt pretty good. My gut still bothers me a little because u can still "pinch" a hefty bit of fat there. On the other hand my chest and collar bones are positively bony!! It's so frustrating but I guess its not the first time someone has moaned about their natural shape.

I keep meaning to buy an exercise ball to see if sit ups help, but keep forgetting. Anyone got tips do toning one's midriff!? So anyway, best of luck to you all, bring on the next 10 days and hopefully last of 810!!! X
Well done you...... I do the same as you regarding breakfast. For some reason I dont feel so hungry in the morning and I am going to try that next week. All I having at the moment is 3 tetras a day and tons of water, no cheating. I have lost 7 lb in 4 days so I am pleased but this is the first time I have tried the Cambridge diet so everyone says as soon as you star eating you will put a couple of pound straight back eeek. I am off on holiday on the 1st May and my goal was 10lb. I might try and do the last 3 lb with salad or veg and 2 tetras as I dont want to get on the plane and feel sick when I start eating normally.
Good luck for your weight loss before your holiday! Maybe you could go up to SS+ for a few days?

I too have a holiday to USA in a couple of weeks and will hopefully be on step 3 by then. In going with my other half, my brother and his girlfriend, who is gorgeous and thin so I don't want to be terrified of wearing a bikini next to her but let's face it, I'm not gonna have a swimsuit model's body by then regardless but at least I won't be as bad as before!!

Luckily she is quite health conscious as well so it will be easy to eat healthily and avoid the EVIL CARBS!!!

I had another weigh in and managed to shift another couple of pounds and now my weight lies at 11st 3lbs... Just THREE pounds from goal!!

Oh my goodness I am just itching to get there and I need to seriously up my waning water intake to hit that mark!! It's so close I can taste it!!

The inches are dropping like flies though and clothes are looking tonnes better! Still need to tone that tum though!!

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well with your CWP! Love! Xx
Ughghhghhh! This is sooo painful! I dropped just one pound at my last weigh in so 2 more pounds to go before goal and moving up to step 3.

It is agonisingly slow! But it's my own fault as I keep straying off path slightly and my water intake has dipped.

This is it!! I have ONE week to lose TWO pounds and I'M GONNA DO IT!! ARGHHGHhGhH!!!

I'll let you know how it goes... *glugs water* xx
The more you drink the more you shrink!!!!