I don't eat the soup as I hated it!! What I did find made it some bit less awful was to mix it with cold water and heat it in microwave - but I gave up on it after a week or two. There are a couple of things you can do. First of all, you are allowed some sweetner - don't know what as I never used sugar anyway, so didn't need it.
What I do.
I add vanilla shake to coffee and it tastes okay. Make big pot of black coffee, make up your vanilla shake separately, pour one into the other - remember you must take your shake wihin 15 mins, so you can't just add a tiny bit to about 10 cups of coffee!!! I have also done this with chocolate, different flavour, but fine as well. The other thing I do is make peppermint tea and then add this to chocolate shake - I think this is the best addition.
Bit of advice, don't put hot liquid into a shaker and try to mix your shake that way - I don't know the science of it, but it will explode!!!!
And the main thing is you will actually get used to the taste - really really, really!! I don't know how long it takes, but you will. Just get into habit of swallowing them for the moment and in a week or two, you won't care!!
Best of lucj with it