
Hello everyone,
I am starting CD from tomorrow for at least 6 weeks. I am keeping my first target 6 week as i get fredup very easily. 6 week is not very long time so i hope it will keep me motivated.
I'll tell you about me. i am 30 year of age, 5 3" tall, weight 14 st 13 lb (OOOOH God), second year pharmacy student. i have two kids, girl and boy. This is my heaviest weight and I hate to see myself in this state. I want to buy new cloths but do not want to buy such big cloths and honestly looks really bad in modern cloths. Even on sunny day, i try to hide myself behind big black cardigan. I hope I get all the support from this forum to keep me motivated.
I will try to post every day and wish to good luck every one who is doing this diet.

START WEIGHT - 14 st 13 lb (09/08/12)
Day one - (10/08/12):eek:

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Hello Nab,

I started on Monday and would love to share our journeys!

I'm 33yrs, 5'3 and weigh 13st 8. I'm married with a 6 yr old. I work for the police.

I've dieted for far too long and find it so boring and such a waste of time, really want to mean business this time.

I really feel more focused than ever. Feel fantastic. Not had any side effects and stuck to it 100%.

Good luck x
Hi Nab,

I started on Monday and am similar age with a similar weight and height to you. Would love to share our journey, I need a kick up the bum on occasions!

I've been 100% good so far and am feeling fab.

Good luck getting into it x
I'm starting tomorrow, so best of luck to you... I'll keep an eye out for you, so keep us posted on how it's going :D

V x

Im also starting tomorrow, these 6 weeks are going to fly in and you can get lots of fab new clothes, we will keep each other motivated as much as possible.

Good luck xx
Good luck. The forum will help you keep on track. In a matter of weeks you will start to feel all brand new! Yes you can!! Yes you can! :) X
Hi, I started on Monday. So far so good and let's hope it continues.

I also get fed up really easily so have challenged myself to get through the first week, then the first month. I'm hoping that if I can stick to it for that long, I'll be motivated to continue until Christmas. But not going to think that far ahead just yet.

Just go for it, one day at a time and they quickly seem to add up.

Good luck on your journey
Hello every one,
Thank you so much for all of the support. I really appreciate it. so far it is alright, just going to have first shake (woke up late). I have got my 2 liter bottle of water is ready and determined to drink 4 liter of water every day. I will post all of mine progress every day to keep me on track.
I am going back to uni on 24th Sep so want to lose 2 stone by then. Good luck all of the you with your weight loss journey.
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First two days did not went as i planned but i,m not stop trying. Last night I was so depressed and felt like crying. :cry:I do not know wat happened to me i was not used to this bad. But TODAY i,m giving myself another chance (no choice though). Just had banana shake and litre of water. finger cross xxxxx
Don't despair Nab. Think of your goal and how happy you are going to feel when you get on the scales next week. And how excited you will be when people start noticing your weight loss. And on this diet you WILL get there in months, not years.
There are some shakes I don't like, and I can't stand the soup or porridge, so I just have mint choc for every meal. It helps me focus as I don't have to worry about my next meal.
I promise you wil get a euphoric feeling once your body hits ketosis.
Hang in there. We'll all have to ride a few storms along the way, that is why it's important to keep coming on here.
went to cinema today, watched "dark Knight" it was good BUT main thing is that I did not felt like eating anything, even my bro was asking me to have some popcorn but i said no. that is a progress. Only had one shake today and now tummy is proper rumbling.
My first week is finished yesterday and lost 9lb . At last I managed to finish 1st week woooooh. Had banana shake in the morning and took kids to bowling that was good exercise and took them to Mac , burger was looking very tempting but i didn,t feel like eating.. Also thinking to go to gym in the evening, hope to help me tone up a bit.

week 1 -5lb
week 2 -9lb
My 6 weeks challenge is actually a 4 week challenge now as first two weeks i was on and off the wagon but I am proud to say that last week i was fully committed and my mind was at right place however i wish that i wouldn,t have mess first two weeks But something is better than nothing.
anyhow i had two shakes today and did not felt like having another shake. I had some guests today and made chicken rice and dahi baday (typical Indian dish , made with potato and lentil) and it is my most favorite but i did not eat it which is amazing. I thought one to have some but then i thought wat i am gonna do after i ate it???? start from beginning???? no way. so i packed all leftover and send them to my mums house.