6 week "Slim for Good" challenge


Gold Member
Between the 25th February and the 6th April, Slimming world are running a 6 week "Slim for Good" slimathon to supercharge weight loss and get members raring for a super-slim spring.

I thought I'd start a thread for all of those partaking in this, so we can keep a track of our progress.

If anyone wants to join me, then just copy and paste the list of members, adding yourself and the amount you want to lose (can we try and keep this in alphabetical order please, for ease).

Good luck!!

Princess_Stevie - 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
I'm in, picked up my sponsor form on Monday night. Our charity is our local hospice. I'm aiming for 10lbs too (but would be very happy with any over that!!)

notayummymummy - 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Princess_Stevie - 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go)