A bit of advice please???


Full Member
I don't want to insult any stalwart dukaneers (sound like dieting pirates!). However, I loved attack phase but I'm struggling with cruise. I have never eaten vegetables (gag reflex) and even though I've tried to see if my tastes gave changed I'm really struggling. Tomatoes are about the only one of the 28 allowed veg I enjoy.
I find I'm sticking to pp for the majority of the time and occasionally throwing in naughty carbs just for a change (eg. I added a tablespoon of real porridge to my oat bran this morning and added a half teaspoon of grated dark chocolate. - I didn't want it sweet, just flavoured).
My other problem is that my appetite has completely reduced to nothing. I logged my food over the last week and I'm under 700 calories every day (under 500 on a few). I really can't stuff myself with any more food and I'm worried the body is about to go into starvation, I'm going to grab everything I can, mode.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I enjoy the pp and could stick with it until the end of cruise, which is August, (I take a multivitamin anyway) and if I'm reassured that I'm not going to do any harm or stop losing weight then I could manage to eradicate the naughty carbs too.

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Hi, fellow pirate! I'm certainly no expert but this does not sound like a good idea. :( You may end up doing more harm than good. I wouldn't rely on the multivitamin, because that is only what it says on the tin - a dietary supplement - and it's not intended to replace nutrition you get from a variety of healthy foods. Have you looked into other diets that are more suited to your tastes? For example, the 400 calorie fix... (I bought the book before starting dukan, sounds interesting but recipes include a lot of convenience foods I can't find in my corner of the world).
Gosh no you really shouldn't just do PP days. Your body needs more than simply protein. I'd advise you look at another weight loss plan (although, without salad or vegetables, you're always going to be lacking on the nutritional front).

Did you check out an appropriate target weight for yourself, by the way, using the Dukan calculator on the official website? I don't know how old you are, but you're aiming very low in my humble opinion...

Perhaps increasing exercise might help you.
Hi. Thank you both for replying.
Yes I used the website. It actually gave me a target of 98lb but I wasn't happy there si went for 113.
I've tried adding in the veg (bits I like) over the last week but they are giving me stomach cramps (every time i eat them) and I've started gaining weight. A bit disappointing since the pp attack was the first diet that had actually knocked some weight off.
Sadly, the exercise has taken a back seat again, I have a knee issue which the surgeons can't do anything about and I've managed to trigger another flare up by attempting to do a little bit more. The physiotherapist wasn't too helpful either. And all I've been given are stronger painkillers.
Talking to the husband, I'm going to try and stick to dukan as much as possible but modify it to meet my tastes and needs. Fingers crossed.

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Solid pp is so not a good idea. Take a look at Atkins, or South Beach, etc - there are lots of other low-carb plans out there that might accommodate your tastes. But pp with carbs is not Dukan, it just sounds like extreme calorie-cutting which, as we all know, just encourages your body to enter starvation mode, where your metabolism slows and your body 'eats' muscle mass while preserving fat. The fast track to yo-yo-ing, in my humble opinion.
I've tried adding in the veg (bits I like) over the last week but they are giving me stomach cramps (every time i eat them) and I've started gaining weight. A bit disappointing since the pp attack was the first diet that had actually knocked some weight off.
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PP attack always has you lose water, some of which you regain on veg/salad days, but it all comes out in the wash and the weight loss is usually regular and steady although, as they often say on the French site, not a straight line on a graph, but more ressembling the teeth of a saw, with slight ups and downs!

Have you posted menus? It would be unusual to be gaining regularly on PV days. Try to stick to green and leafy veg, if you find cauli and broccoli etc cause bloating and cramps.
Thank you.
Yesterday I had fromage frais for breakfast.
Lunch was lettuce, celery, cucumber, a couple of cherry tomatoes, and a few radishes with plenty of roast beef.
Dinner was a homemade turkey burger with a couple of pickled onions and some pickled beetroot (the only way I will eat beets!). I wasn't hungry.
Pudding, later on, was a dukan egg custard.

Today is pp so...
Breakfast fromage frais
Lunch chicken (roasted, no skin, breast) - yes, I am quite happy eating this on its own
Dinner undecided but probably tuna on a slice of dukan bread with some cottage cheese.
No during today.

I drink green tea (have done for years)

Thank you

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