I had a bit of a...what do you call it...epiphany tonight. I know this is going to sound obvious but I just sort of needed to get it off my chest because until now I couldnt work out why I haven't been able to stick to a diet.
And the answer is because I don't want to or don't care. I say I want to, I look a pictures of a skinnier me and think yes omg I want to lose weight when really what I want is either to be happier (as I was when I was thinner) or I want to literally be thinner because of reasons abcd and e, and by that I mean I want to look that way, by magic, yep I expect to just take a magic pill and wake up looking gorgeous in the morning, or maybe watch my calories for a week or a month and then go back to how I always eat, anything and everything whenever and how ever much I want. I know weight loss, proper long term weight loss is going to be hard and I'm just plain lazy, it's too hard and it doesnt matter and I'll always be a fatty anyway etc. I know I need to lose weight because (a) people have told me so (i.e. doctors etc) (b) the government tells me so (BMI etc) (c) My body tells me so (my brain sure tells me its unhappy with the way I look and my body sure tells me I'm not fit by being out of breathe etc) and I know logically that for my own good I SHOULD lose weight because I'm a lot happier when I'm thinnier and its a lot better for my health etc. But it's like a battle because honestly part of me doesnt care, I'm not bothered and it is for that reason that my weight is getting worse rather than better. It's not quite motivation because if i wanted it you know one finds ways of getting oneself motivated etc but im just not even bothered I have seem to have accepted that I'm a fat person and I have always been a fat person and I will always be a fat person.
I feel kind of good, not because I know now I'm not bothered about doing it because that's awful, but because I've identified a problem and a problem is a challenge and a challenge can equal progress. But the question is what can I do to convince myself I HAVE to change and I HAVE TO WANT TO change and that I CAN change if only I wanted it?! You know I can see all these negative things about over eating but I just don't care enough about myself to care about the problems.
So that's it, a breakthrough in that I've identified a whole lot of my problem. Self worth and self image.
But not really a breakthrough in that I've still no clue how to tackle it and really make myself care about my health and what I'm eating.
Any comments/ help appreciated
I'd offer cake to any of you that actually bother to read this post but I think that defeats the object
And the answer is because I don't want to or don't care. I say I want to, I look a pictures of a skinnier me and think yes omg I want to lose weight when really what I want is either to be happier (as I was when I was thinner) or I want to literally be thinner because of reasons abcd and e, and by that I mean I want to look that way, by magic, yep I expect to just take a magic pill and wake up looking gorgeous in the morning, or maybe watch my calories for a week or a month and then go back to how I always eat, anything and everything whenever and how ever much I want. I know weight loss, proper long term weight loss is going to be hard and I'm just plain lazy, it's too hard and it doesnt matter and I'll always be a fatty anyway etc. I know I need to lose weight because (a) people have told me so (i.e. doctors etc) (b) the government tells me so (BMI etc) (c) My body tells me so (my brain sure tells me its unhappy with the way I look and my body sure tells me I'm not fit by being out of breathe etc) and I know logically that for my own good I SHOULD lose weight because I'm a lot happier when I'm thinnier and its a lot better for my health etc. But it's like a battle because honestly part of me doesnt care, I'm not bothered and it is for that reason that my weight is getting worse rather than better. It's not quite motivation because if i wanted it you know one finds ways of getting oneself motivated etc but im just not even bothered I have seem to have accepted that I'm a fat person and I have always been a fat person and I will always be a fat person.
I feel kind of good, not because I know now I'm not bothered about doing it because that's awful, but because I've identified a problem and a problem is a challenge and a challenge can equal progress. But the question is what can I do to convince myself I HAVE to change and I HAVE TO WANT TO change and that I CAN change if only I wanted it?! You know I can see all these negative things about over eating but I just don't care enough about myself to care about the problems.
So that's it, a breakthrough in that I've identified a whole lot of my problem. Self worth and self image.
But not really a breakthrough in that I've still no clue how to tackle it and really make myself care about my health and what I'm eating.
Any comments/ help appreciated
I'd offer cake to any of you that actually bother to read this post but I think that defeats the object