here is a step by step way to do it..............
How to add Awards to your signature on Minimins
I finely managed to put the awards on my signature on the Minimins website after two months of trying so Wrote it down to help other newcomers
Go on the Internet and go to “Slimmer’s World”
Go to “Login”
Login with your e-mail and password if you have previously registered on the site, if not then go and register first.
Go to “Slimmer’s World” header and then go to “Check my progress” you should have filled it in each week, if not then do so adding your awards as shown by ticking the correct boxes.
Go to the “Awards” header, you will see what awards you have.
Click on the “Minimize button in the top RH of your screen, now open a new webpage and go to the Minimins website.
Go to “User CP” go to “Settings & Options” then go to “Edit Signature”
Scroll down to “Upload Signature Picture”
Go back to the SW “Awards Page” and go to the award you want, right click over the award and go to “Copy image URL” and click on it.
Return to the Minimins page and the “Edit Signature” page and go to the “Insert Image” icon and click on it. Right click in the box that appears and you should see an URL address appears in it. Then click the ok button.
Go down to “Preview Signature” and check that the right “Award” is there, if so repeat the operation with all the awards you want.
For “Slimmer of the Week” add “X and a number corresponding to the week that you have awards for to the URL address that appears on the top line in the large box on the screen.
When you are happy then click on “Save Signature”