Working Solutions Advice needes


Full Member
In hoping to rather than have a whole week of food break , doing one day of WS a week ( day after my weigh in)As I'm
Worried I may cheat if I have a full week of it . do you think this would be ok ? Would grilled chicken , asparagus and mushrooms (all grilled ). Be ok to keep me in ketosis ?

I'm on day 7 today 100% have been fine through the ketosis transition etc but feel a but strange today !

Thanks x
Thats what I do :) I have a WS day on a Sunday at my mums after my weigh in, I prefer that to a week of it
Brilliant starlight thanks ! roll on
Friday !

Also you may know this as the moderator , my cousin has just called She is on day 5. She just asked if I ever got a numbness to feet or face ? Have you heard of this ?
me too, that's what I've been doing since I started :) I save mine until the day after my weigh-in too. I'd rather keep it that way in case old habits reform! However, I have found the smells of certain foods I used to like are making me feel sick - don't know if this is a good or bad thing lol!
lauriel said:
me too, that's what I've been doing since I started :) I save mine until the day after my weigh-in too. I'd rather keep it that way in case old habits reform! However, I have found the smells of certain foods I used to like are making me feel sick - don't know if this is a good or bad thing lol!

Hi lauriel

Its only the smell if takeaway that makes me sick. But then again it is garbage for your body
However, I have found the smells of certain foods I used to like are making me feel sick - don't know if this is a good or bad thing lol!

Preggo-eggo? ;) Just kidding hehe
Brilliant starlight thanks ! roll on
Friday !

Also you may know this as the moderator , my cousin has just called She is on day 5. She just asked if I ever got a numbness to feet or face ? Have you heard of this ?

That does not sound normal...she should go see her doctor as not everyone is suited to doing a vlcd.
Hey mini it's ok she is sorted and come off it , she has had diabetes in the past with pregnancy and they said it's a sign of unstable bloods so has been advised to come off it ,