Advice Please


Hi everyone - I'm after some advice...... i am on day 2 and finding it fairly easy as in not hungry but finding it extremely difficult eating the stuff! I hate the soup and vanilla milkshakes. I dont mind the strawberry and chocolate heated up. Even the ones I do like I only manage to have about half of it and can't stick to no more. I'm drinking lots of water so that's not a problem. I'm concerned that only having minimal calories I am going to do myself some serious damage and is drop down dead or something : ( Yesterday I had 2 shakes but only half or each and today I have had 2 but again only half of each, i am going to try and have a hot chocolate later. I am feeling really focused etc but just having difficulty having the whole sachets. Any advice would be greatfully received please xx
Hey there! I'm only on my first week myself so I'm not exactly in an experienced position but I'll throw in my two cents anyway. The sachets are designed to have enough nutrients in them to make up for what your body is losing out on my having no food - you really need to try and get three down each day to keep yourself healthy. I totally agree with you about the soup - I couldn't even get it down. Some people advise that it's ok to add a sweetener to the shakes, and there is a sticky thread called "how I made my first week fly" with suggestions on ways that you can spice up the mixes without cheating (e.g. adding mint tea to the chocolate shake to make it mint choc, adding coffee to the vanilla, etc). It's definitely worth checking out if you are having difficulty getting them down. I personally add lots of ice to the strawberry shake and that makes it nicer.

I have also seen suggestions that you can break up the sachets if you want, i.e. have half a sachet and then the other half later on. I haven't tried it but it might work.

Good luck xxx

Heya, you definitely need to have all three shakes, otherwise your health really might suffer :( Even if you need to hold your nose and just swallow it! Are you struggling because you find it too much at one time or because you don't really like them? Youre not supposed to break up the satchets but even if you had six half-shakes its better than just having one, which is what youre really doing now.
judavis11 said:
Hi Shikei85 its really because i can't stand the taste. I might try the mousse don't know whether that is any better : (


I just had to pop on and say I'm exactly the same!! My thread pretty much says the same as yours!! Good luck Hun xx
Try adding a sweetener to the shakes or it might be worth splitting it. I personally stick to one flavours shake and drink as fast as possible usually really fast I try not to think about it just swallow. ;-) x
Thank you everyone. This morning I put half the strawberry shake in a liquidiser and added the ice and it turned out like a slush puppy! Was actually really really nice. Going to have the other half about 11.30. Actually feel like i might be able to do the 3 shakes today woop woop! Or is it because I'm on day 3 and something has changed ????