You NEED to come out of ketosis fully before you drink any alcohol or you risk making yourself very poorly. Make sure you eat "normally" on the day you are going out if you must drink while you are out.
Agreed (sorry, didn't mean to stalk you again Cazza but I left this post for a bit of a think then came back to it!
Alcohol in itself won't bring you out of ketosis. Sugary mixers with alcohol, yep, they might. But you'll find your ability to hold your alcohol whilst in ketosis is greatly reduced. As in, you'll be completely tiddly on 2 glasses of wine. Drink a bottle and you might find you lose consciousness or start throwing up. Not good.
The science bit - well, the body burns alcohol in preference to fat. If you drink in a state of ketosis the fat burning mechanism is temporarily switched off while your body burns off the alcohol. Alcohol's not a great fuel - the body sees it as toxic, which is one of the reasons why it burns it first. Your brain doesn't work well on alcohol (well, we all know that, right?
If you're going to drink more than a unit or two of something alcoholic you need to come out of ketosis. You'll come out of ketosis pretty quickly - within minutes of eating a carb laden meal in fact. Have something substantially carby a short while before you go to the event. If you're planning on drinking a lot, have something else to eat later on during the evening. And then get straight back on track the next day - often easier said than done, cos your body will probably demand more carbs. Ignore the cravings, drink plenty of water and you'll be back into ketosis within a couple of days.
Hope you have a good time.