Ok, so my first 2 weeks on Exante went perfect, stuck to it 100% and lost 10lbs. Then I run out of packs ( I hated the Mushroom and the Tomato and Basil so much that I couldn't even force them down) Stupidly, I didn't order any more in time for running out so I was a bit stuck and didn't know what to do as I had no packs, plus, it was my boyfriends birthday (rubbish excuse I know) so I thought one night off won't harm and we went out for a meal...BIG MISTAKE! Its true that once you have one day off, it is so hard to get right back on it. So I spent a couple of days totally off exante, eating rubbish and then finally got my new packs. First 2 days were fine then for some stupid reason, I went off the rails again and have spent the last while sticking to it for a few days then giving up and then trying again but its not working! This weekend was a disaster. The thing is, I know I can stick to it as I did 100% the first 2 weeks and was just starting to feel so much better and now I have gone and ruined it. My plan was to start a fresh this morning but I woke up so hungry I ended up eating, I just felt like I could not do it for some reason. I feel like I'm having a battle with food at the minute and food is winning! I just can't get my head back in the right frame of mind to do it. HELP