Angie's S/F Diary...


Full Member
Day One

B - 4 crackerbread 2pp
scrape of low fat marg 1pp

L - home made flan (2 eggs,brocolli, mushrooms), mixed salad

T - Spag bol (quorn mince, wholewheat spaghetti,passata, mushroom, onions),garlic bread (petit pain,brushed with 2 tsps of veg oil sprinkled with herbs)

Snack - 2 mandarins

Im pointing 1 for milk as I didnt have any skimmed in and I'm not sure if crackerbread are free

4/49 weeklies
Sounds a good day your right crackerbreads do need to be pointed x
Me norther! Fab idea :)
The bread was yumm but can I just check that veg oil is ok to use? I just noticed its not on the list x

Angie x
No you really need to use the ones listed x
Thanks for that Red, i'm glad I noticed that before too much damage was done. I'll have to point it till I get the right one. So thats another 2 pp off my weeklies to cover that.

Todays menu:
Day Two

B- petite pain spread with l/cow extra light
2 bacon medallions
1 egg

L- baked potato
left over bolognaise

T- brown rice, chicken and veg
sugar free jelly

snack -mug of homemade lentil/potato soup

6/49 weeklies
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Day Three

B- 2 egg omelette with ham, l/cow extra light

L- h/made lentil potato soup
1 and 1/2 bourbon biscuit 3pp

T- gammon steak, h/made chips (coated in 2tsps olive oil), beans, petite pain

s- sugar free jelly

9/49 weeklies
Day Four

B- porridge, banana

L- bagel with gammon steak, mushrooms,

T- H/made smoked haddock fishcakes, beans

S- cup of h/made soup
Day Five

B- 2 bacon medallions, 2 scambled eggs

L- bagel with 2 l/cow extra light, tomato

snack - h/made fish cake

T- wholemeal pasta mixed with brocolli, mushrooms, half small tin salmon, white sauce (3pp)

Saturday munch - pk chilli sensations - 5pp
pk minstrels - 7pp

24/49 weeklies
How do you make your homemade fish cakes?? x
Hi Mets,

I used 3 large potatoes, boiled, 3 portions of cooked smoked haddock, parlsey, black pepper....mashed it all together and shaped into fishcakes...this amount made 6 large ones..then i brushed them with oil allowance and shoved them in the oven for about 30 mins. They didnt brown as well as I liked but they stayed firm and were really tasty. Maybe grilling would be better...I'll try that next time! x
That sounds amazing! Definitely trying these :) how long would they keep do you think? My fella doesn't eat fish
Probably a couple of days in the fridge but because they are so simple to make, next time I think I'll make a couple at a time x
Day six

Brunch - 2 bacon madallions, 1 egg, beans, 1 steak sausage (3pp?)
petite pain

tea - rice(12pp), and curry sauce (6pp), chicken spring roll (9pp) from chinese

I have 6 activity points I can use though, so hopefully I havent ruined my good week (was yummy though :-D)
Day Seven

B- gammon steak, 2 eggs scrambled
plum, satsuma

L- bagel, l/cow light

T- Chicken leg, toasted bagel with wafer thin ham

S- cup of soup - 3 pp

Weigh in tomorrow!