Another new start


New Member
Getting too used to writing this ............ I have got to lose some weight, I am sick of being fat. I want to get back to having energy and getting clothes to fit.

Hi Maggie

Good luck with your new start. I've felt like that myself and have only recently got it together, but it can be done just climb back on the wagon and give it your best shot.
Hi Maggie and Vanda!

Yes we can do it. Yes it's sometimes hard to start, but you are here and everyone is going to help you along the way. Set some small goals most find they really motivating.

Today I am aiming for exercise and water. Also going to enjoy my cuppa out with a friend at the Art gallery today and not feel guilty about a biscuit that I might have (want to break away from the punishment in my head). As for exercise, I've done a jog 30 mins and 20 min walk already.

Come on girls we can do this!

You can absolutely do this. We all can. As Bren says set yourself little goals as otherwise it can just feel like you are pushing jelly up a hill. Aim to change one thing a week, I'm making it my aim for this week to make sure I have two litres of water while I'm at work. I've done things like make sure I have my five a day and so on.

Don't beat yourself up, just pick something you can stick to for a week or so and take it slowly and you will get there.

I've just been looking at my weight this year, and after three months of "intense dieting", and a couple of spectacular falls off the wagon, I'm heavier today than on my rererestart date! That's tough to take! I count 82 days of dieting and 6 of "eating" (I guess the "e" word would merit a capital and a few asterisks mind you...).

Monday and yesterday I walked to work... 50 mins... pretty fast. Today it rained. I melt in the rain obviously as walking did not occur to me. Little goals...

Continuing low carb this week to get me through a couple of evenings ALONE at home - always dangerous - but restarting healthy eating next week...

Oh and Mags - I'm in France too!

What are you guys eating?
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Monday and yesterday I walked to work... 50 mins... pretty fast. Today it rained. I melt in the rain obviously as walking did not occur to me. Little goals...

lol! that is a classic!

I was doing Rosemary Conley but I just can't get to grips with it - back to WW for me!

ah... I've been doing Dukan (French nutritionist low carb diet) but like so many others, if you don't do the reintroduction phrase properly, it all piles on and more besides...

WW is too much counting for me... (and they keep changing their programme and changing the rules, which makes me wonder why! I'm suspicious like that! If it works, why change it incessantly? £££££££ ooops my finger got stuck ;)).
The open minded part of me says that ww change their programme to keep up to date with the new research on weight loss and healthy eating. The old sceptic side of me says its to make money. But then again it could be a combination of the 2.
I'm not sure - you may be right Vanda, I just couldn't settle with RC, but to be fair I only did it for 3 weeks, whereas I can get on with WW if I do what it says on the tin, plus I can be a bit more flexible with it.

I wish they would invent a magic potion that you took at night and when you woke up you were slim!

Funny enough, having vowed never to spend another penny on the "diet industry", the day that potion comes out, I'll buy it!

People have asked me before... how did you suddenly find the right time and method to lose all that weight, and how did you motivate yourself? I used to respond that it was as if something just clicked into place and if I could market and sell that "click", I'd be a millionnairess... but where's it gone?

I've got to stalk you now I've found you again :D

People have asked me before... how did you suddenly find the right time and method to lose all that weight, and how did you motivate yourself? I used to respond that it was as if something just clicked into place and if I could market and sell that "click", I'd be a millionnairess... but where's it gone?


The diet industry is a tool. A pretty good tool at that if you find the right one for you, but your finished product can be done without it if it suits. It is just a tool though, and that click hasn't yet been invented. It comes from our personal motivations and if they aren't strong enough...then you are well and truly stuck.

Do you think that it's harder for you at the moment because you have already been successful? You know you can do it, so you can do it 'tomorrow' rather than 'today'?
Interesting idea, the tomorrow rather than today thing... but actually I've been on a diet for the past three years pretty much non stop, but the trip ups albeit short are spectacular so the weight increases. Actually, who am I kidding... I've been on a diet most of my life...

So I guess the "tomorrow" thing doesn't really work... I feel I just need to get a few victories under my belt, and the thought of a holiday in three weeks time is starting to cause me to panic!

ooops work calls! back later!
but actually I've been on a diet for the past three years pretty much non stop, but the trip ups albeit short are spectacular so the weight increases.

Ahhh. There be your problem I reckon ;)

The only time I managed to really maintain my weight was when I started eating normally, rather than using a diet to maintain.

Not saying that's right for you, but after decades of trying other ways, this one is working so far.

Which means I need to send you off on another trip to see my post on normal eating :D It's like a treasure hunt isn't it :D...except the treasure isn't that exciting :D

I'll find this one for you, cos I roughly know where it is. BTW, have you read the autobiography in 5 chapters? That might help too...possibly

I'll get the links...back in a mo.
Thanks a million. As soon as the work lightens, I'll get back to them.

My problems started AFTER the low carb diet, when reintroducing carbs progressively... (progressive and me were never friends!!)... once that floodgate opened, the yoyoing started, and the dieting to compensate again... and it all sounds quite mundane and normal!

But to be about to explode (quite literally) out of my size 14s, already one size up on my target, is frightening!

Thanks a lot KD...
Obviously without giving much attention to the glycogen gain in this post as I'm sure you know all about onwards...

First, are you absolutely sure it's the carbs? Or possibly the types of foods we eat with the carbs? Define it first.

Okay, so then you are sure you know what causes the excess food, and in your case it could be the carbs, or the stuff we eat with carbs.

Danger zone!! but don't panic. Of course, you probably want to eat foods like this, and no reason why you can't. But I do think for a long time you have to treat them very respectfully ;) Absolutely with awareness and being very strict with yourself. Just very gradually, just doing one...then stopping.

Oh and yes, I is hard. Have you read my post about Fred BTW? :D It's on the Bring your head forum.

You just have to do it, and you just have to do it lots and lots and get really confident with one. And it's slow, and it's annoying, but you get choices, you either take care around it until you've made new pathways in the brain, or you don't and bear the consequences.

But hey...look at you. Bulging out of size 14. Hey..that's not so bad. Cut yourself some slack. Just carefully...very carefully and gently, move back into the 12s. No rush. Learning all the way about finding a way of eating that feels good and that you can maintain easily...which will probably include the carbs.
Thanks KD... in many ways, I still feel "unready"... ie, I want you to tell me how to lose the weight I've regained rather than have to furtle around in the complicated niches of my mind...

I've read everything you've given me... and copied it elsewhere for reference.

You've led this horse to the trough, now let's see if she can drink! hmm...

I'll see if I can find somewhere to post daily. General diet thread I guess... for now...