Cruise PV Any good Pre-Workout Meals (Breakfast)

oatbran porridge? omelette with smoked salmon. You will need something substantial. Jos muffins?
If you're fresh out of attack, I'm not sure a "high-energy workout class" is adviseable! Is it something you do regularly?

You can have oatbran porridge, but just 2 tablespoons oatbran mind!
Hi Joanne,

Thanks for the tip. I do work out at least a couple of times a week and gave it a miss this week because I was on Attack and thought it wasn't advisable - but I've missed it! Really want to get back - I love my Step class!

My plan is to try tomorrow (and maybe take it down a notch?) and then I'm booked in for Monday... see how I do tomorrow. And then instead of doing any treadmill running, I'm doing the walking around the neighborhood.

I like the porridge suggestion, but of course 2tbs isn't much, but it prompted me to think of trying the Oat Bran Gallette as this has protein AND the oat bran :) We'll see - I'll take it easy just in case (don't want to go flying off the step!! Ha, ha!!)

If you're up for steak and eggs for breakfast(!), that could stand you in good stead for a work out! (I personally can think of nothing worse... and I'll let you decide whether I mean the food or the work out ;))