Any ladies slimming down to TTC no.1?


Full Member
Hi all...

I'm at the very start of my weight loss journey, and just wondering if there's anyone else around at the moment that's slimming down for fertility treatment (or just to improve things the natural way)?

I have PCOS and don't ovulate that often.. In fact my period tracker says I'm over 200 days late for my cycle!! Side note.. I should really get off my lazy butt and ask the dr to induce a bleed.

Anyway, sorry if TMI!! I also have a septate uterus , which means my uterus has a dividing wall (membrane) down the middle that I need to have removed.. Otherwise I'll most likely only ever have miscarriage after miscarriage. Although its totally non invasive they won't do it until my BMI is under 30, and it's now about 45!! EEEEK!!!

I'd love to follow along with anyone else that has TTCing as a motivation.

Good luck on all your journeys!
i'm also trying to get my bmi below 30 and have been stuck at 31 for a while now, its soooo frustrating knowing i'm so close yet they won't prescribe me chlomid until its below 30. My doctor has just prescribed me metformin so i hope that helps with weight loss and fertility.
what diet are you following? i'm on slimming world and i've found cutting down on carbs really helps.
good luck x
Hiya I'm losing weight with slimming world to ttc. We have been trying for 5 years but no luck. I have been on slimming world for 12 months and am less than half way there which annoys me a little, but then I think I'm closer to my target than I was 12 months ago! Got a long way to go, but if there's hope of a babyat the end then I'm wiping to work hard.Oh is dieting too now which is making it easier. Let's to this girls, no time like the present! X
Hi and welcome, yes im slimming down to ttc number 1 :) im using the cambridge diet and so far ive lost 9 pounds, i really want to get a bmi below 25 before i think of trying :) good luck everybody we can do it :) x
I am also slimming down with the hope of TTC naturally. I dont have a normal menstrul cycle whatso ever and in fact dont actually remember my last proper period, just endless days of spotting. I've been doing slimming world since 19th Jan 2012 and have lost 25.5lb so far! I'm hoping this helps me. (I have noticed slight improvement, in that i have not spotted in 8 days :D )
Good luck to everyone. Kay x
I am slimming in order to try to conceive number 1. Im Hoping to closer I get to goal it might happen naturally otherwise I have to get to bmi 30 in order to get treatment

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Hello, this is my first post i also am TTC and have PCOS restarted SW 7 weeks ago and have only managed 8lb off so far. It's so slow and i'm really stressed about it.
So joined this to try and see if anyone is in the same boat?
I have only told my Boyf and my mum about the PCOS. I was diagnosed just before Xmas and since then the symptons have got worse.

Have been TTC since May 2010 and everytime my period is late i get a bit excited and then disappointed again. The only medication I am on is anti depressants but i would like to ask about Metformin as i have read a bit about it on here. Any advice greatly received xx
I started back on SW in mid Jan, on my way to TTC No 1! Lost 1st 2.5lbs so far so I'm feeling good.. got a long, long way to go but I'm heading in the right direction! Good luck girls xxx
I suppose I could say im losing weight to ttc number 1, but in a way im not. Basically, i started my weight loss journey in 2009 to help with my chances of concieving naturally when the time should come. I was not in a relationship when I started my weight loss journey, and even now I am with someone im still not ttc yet but im still not giving up on the journey.

My periods were once a year, if that, and just before I went on the pill, they were every month every 31 days. I couldn't be more happier, and having struggled with my weight all my life, I am so happy that just before going on the pill I knew my body was able to 'act normally'.

I wish you luck in your ttc and weight loss journey and hope both are succesful for you :)
Hi can't pm yet sorry! do you mind if I ask what you said to your Dr about getting metformin? I have an appointment on Friday and want to ask but always get stuck and nervous when I'm in there!
I have been taken off metformin after 4 yrs on as they have done research now that shows they dont help
hi ladies,

I am also slimming down to ttc number 1.

WE have been TTC for 2 years and I have had 3 miscarriages in the last 18 months, and finally getting referred by the Dr!

Baby dust to all TTC x
hi gertrudey, i explained i was trying to lose weight through slimming world but it had slowed down (even though i had upped my exercise and cut down on carbs) i then said i had read about metformin and how it can help with weight loss and fertility. my doctor said she had never prescribed it to anyone with pcos before, only diabetics but had heard of the benefits and would have to ask another doctor and get back to me. luckilly she rang me the next day to say i could have it.
i'm a bit of a internet freak when it comes to anything to do with my health so had looked in to everything to do with pcos, metformin, chlomid etc before i'd even been diagnosed lol do as much research as you can in to pcos then jot down any questions you have for your doctor, that way you won't get as flustered and if you feel as though your dr rushes you (i know some of the dr's at my surgery can do) book a double appointment.
sorry for the long rant
good luck and let us know how you get on
Thanks for that Nancynoo! I was a bit of a mess in the doctors and crying due to stress of my sister losing her baby this week she had to have a stillbirth last night so now it has really terrified me about the risks. I spoke to the doctor about my PCOS and he wasn't very helpful. I said my symptoms are getting worse with bad periods severe acne slow weightloss and have not had precautions for almost 2 years. He told me to stop reading thing on the internet and that was basically it. He didn't seem to take me seriously and just said come back in 4 weeks when my stress will have calmed down and to book a double appointment next time! So you were right about that but I just feel completly trapped right now in a place I don't wanna be and can't see a way out :'(
hi gertrudey, so sorry to hear about your sister. i know you probably don't want to hear this but he is right to say come back another time as stress does make things worse, if i were you i'd use the next 4 weeks as a chance to research everything you can and jot down any questions you have, go for long walks or swimming (clears your head and good exercise) and stick to a healthy diet (try cutting down on carbs and sugar as these are bad for us pcos ladies). if he see's that you are trying the best you can he is more likely to help, if you can't see him being any help try seeing a different dr or ask to be referred to a gynaecologist.
why not set yourself a mini goal for 4 weeks?
Hi all. I am new to this site. I have PCOS and have been TTC for over 3 years. Have been on Metformin formost of those 3 years. I am slimming down in order to get pregnant. I have lost a stone in the past 2 months through healthy eating, drinking water and lots of exercise. I have tried SW in the past and found it worked but made me feel tired... i did mainly green days. I tried again but couldnt get to grips with EE so gave up!! My personal trainer weighs me in weekly so I get the whole weigh in panics but I am starting to get bored of living on salad and chicken!! Have been thinking about doing LT... Anyone else done it???
Have been thinking about doing LT... Anyone else done it???

Scuse my ignorance... what's LT?

It's not easy at all... this whole losing weight to start a family business! It just feels like so much pressure. I wish I had have done it years ago, instead of finally taking it seriously at 31. Oh well. I'm doing well so far, in four weeks I've lost 11kgs (24lbs)... I finally feel like I can make it happen this time!

How is everyone else thats posted getting on with their weight loss so far? Perhaps we can use this thread to support each other, regardless of what diets we are on? It's nice knowing that I'm not the only one shedding the pounds to start a family, it changes the whole journey I think!
I'm 34 and ttc for 5yrs with bmi all over the place, starting exante for 2nd time tomorrow to shift 140 pounds in a year before i'm too old for fertility treatment. I've got pcos and sarcoidosis and am generally having a life crisis all at once so this is my way of taking back control. Struggling with not having a family esp coz my friend just had twins she 'accidentally' got pregnant when she already has 2 under 3s. Trying to be pleased but sooo jealous. What's a period?? Mines been gone so long :-(
Scuse my ignorance... what's LT?

It's not easy at all... this whole losing weight to start a family business! It just feels like so much pressure. I wish I had have done it years ago, instead of finally taking it seriously at 31. Oh well. I'm doing well so far, in four weeks I've lost 11kgs (24lbs)

LT is Lipotrim - how have you lost 24lbs in 2 weeks??