Hi everyone. i joined slimming world online last week. (i have 3 daughters and work 2 jobs so getting to meetings is virtually impossible) my story so far is this. I am 5ft 3in and currently weigh 9st 7lbs. this may not sound a lot but i am normallly 8st 7lb. I put on 1st from i stopped smoking last February and have not been able to shift it. i would ideally like to be 8st 7lb again so my clothes don't hurt

i followed the plan to the letter for my first week and pretty much STS. although it is my *week and i'm hoping this maybe why?
my main problem is what to eat. i am ridiculously fussy. i don't eat red meat, salad, fish, pork lamb.... this list goes on

i'm not a vegetarian because i like chicken, bacon, pork sausages and sliced ham. but honestly i would eat potatoes and veg everyday if i could

i tried to vary my meals last week. i even made diet coke chicken with boiled rice which i really enjoyed. my lunch is normally the same = 2 slices of 400g wholemeal bread with beans or scrambled eggs. i eat fruit throughout the day and have even given up alcohol to help lose the weight.
if anyone has any menu ideas i would be really grateful. thanks
:welcome: Orla

Congratulations on stopping smoking!
Hmm, fussy eater :giggle: (So is my DH but, I've hidden all sorts in his food that he hasn't a clue that he's eating

It is
so much easier to give advice if we know what you *do* eat
So far, from your post, we know you eat:-
- chicken,
- rice,
- bacon,
- pork sausages,
- sliced ham,
- baked beans,
- fruit and
- eggs
I'm quite sure that isn't a complete list and I think, if you could expand on the foods/vegetables you *do* like, we could be of more assistance. But, I'll work with what you have given us (so far!).
Beans on toast.
Egg on toast.
Bacon butty.
Bacon, eggs and beans on toast.
Bacon, eggs, beans and sautéed potatoes.
Boiled eggs and soldiers.
Ham omelette + a piece of fruit
Bacon omelette + a piece of fruit
French toast and an apple
Cinnamon French Toast and an orange
Chopped apple and sliced banana with Fat Free yogurt (I'm just guessing here that you may like yogurt? If not, settle for a couple of pieces of fruit).
Bowl of cereal (HexB?) with chopped fruit and milk from HexA?
Egg and cress sandwich (bread from HexB, but, if already used as toast for breakfast - or cereal - add as a syn)
Bacon sandwich.
Omelette (if not had for breakfast)
Chicken sandwich
Chicken pasta salad
Chicken soup
Jacket potato with baked beans
Chicken stir fry (noodles)
Chicken curry (rice or jacket potato)
Chicken Bolognese (pasta or jacket potato)
Chicken and baked bean chilli (rice or jacket potato)
Chicken and rice
Chicken, bacon and baked bean hotpot (layer all those and top with thinly sliced potatoes and bake in the oven)
The more limited you are in what you choose to eat, the harder it will be to think of a rotating meal plan that will a) fit in with what you *do* eat; b) fit in with the principles of SW; and c) make weigh management a positive experience for you.
Could you expand on what you will eat, please?
Also, think about *why* you are a "fussy" eater. Is it habit? Is it allergy related? Is it because you have simply decided "don't fancy/like that" and remained stubborn for your whole lifetime?
Again, my DH was like that when I met him - don't like it, never have! - but, our tastes do alter as we age and I think you may be surprised at what you may now like that you may not have eaten before. For example, my DH will now (knowingly :giggle: ) eat: yogurt, pizza, curry, chilli, enchiladas, lasagne, fresh carrots, petit pois, rice, pasta and (unknowingly) celery, parsnip, swede, leeks, tinned tomatoes, passata, cheese, garlic ... I'm sure there is more, but, my brain is tired.
Take a bit of time and go through the handbook and make a list from it of the foods you are prepared to eat to lose weight.
E.g. Lists of "Super Free's", Free's, Healthy Extra A's & B's. Post them here and we'll give you as many ideas as we can (collectively) come up with