Any other Bars as good as SnS???!!!!


Full Member
It's had my first Milk Choc Truffa! Amazing! In disbelief that they are 137 kcal and like 10g carbs!

It's like a proper chocolate bar! Does anyone know of any which are similar in taste and nutrition value?


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Hi there, i read somewhere that the biggest loser bars are slightly higher in calories but pretty much same nutrition value and are bigger but not sure they would taste as nice the slim and save ones are lovely arnt they! the lemon and yoghurt is my fav! i tried the trail pack abit ago before i started today! id wait till someone with more knowledge replies to your thread though as i dont want to give you wrong info xx
The biggest loser chocolate crunch bars are amazing- although I love the S&S chocolate praline bars (which have been out of stock for ages) the biggest loser one is probably my favourite. Similar texture to a Truffa i.e. chewy-ish but taste is better! They are much bigger and are 200 calories so quite a bit more than S&S bars. There is also a biggest loser mint fudge bar which isn't as nice, but still very edible, they are big too and 206 cals. They are both expensive though at £2.29 a bar.
Oh thank you! Where can you buy The Biggest Loser bars from?xxx

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If you pop into boots and have a look at their low carb selection. One here has a large selection on biggest loser bars and Atkins.
Asda does them too. Beware, they are really yummy... Only get one at once then you can only have one!