Is anyone from here from Staffordshire (well more localised, Newcastle-u-Lyme) just wondering if anyone deals with the CDC in this area and if he/she is ok.
Now that is a little of a trek.... I work in Crewe, there is only one listed on the CB website..... Not too sure whether to email and see if there is any others...
Only 3 days this time I am in the middle of having a very unpleasnat allergic reaction though so not sure i will be continuing gutting as i only bought a months supply on Sunday oh well. There is a lady in Northwood and one in Trentham think they are both on the website although i did ring and got more than are on the web x
Yes I did read that on another thread. You poor lass........ Let me know how you get on?
Trentham ain't too bad depending on time she'd like to go.... I have dropped CD an email to send them to me, cause I know a couple just say south staffs, and not which areas' they cover.
I presume you attend your CDC house or do they come to you?