Anyone with masses to lose?


Full Member
Its day 1 for me today(again). I have so much to lose (nearly 10 stone - thats almost half my weight) that it seems I will never get there. Does anyone else have a lot to lose? How do you keep motivated and focused in the early days?
Its day 1 for me today(again). I have so much to lose (nearly 10 stone - thats almost half my weight) that it seems I will never get there. Does anyone else have a lot to lose? How do you keep motivated and focused in the early days?

I was in your shoes the first time I did CD... I was 20st something and knew I had to more or less lose half my body weight. I despaired a few times... I lost the plot a few times too... But it can be done. I am now closer to a healthy weight than ever and it feels so good. The mini goals helped me, taking one little step at a time. And forgive yourself if you struggle sometimes: we're all human and when we're in for the long haul, it's even harder. Good luck xxx

PS: start a diary, it does help!
I had 12 stone to loose when I started and I now have 8 left to loose. It took me a while to get out of the old dieting habits like having a treat after weigh in. I lost a bit before Christmas and just messed around then suddenly the 11th of march came and I just decided that's it. I've had enough of this. I've lost 31lbs since then now on my 7th week without so much as a lick of a spoon and I don't even think about it now. My 12 weeks are up at the end of may leaving me 4 weeks before I go on holiday. I leave on the 30th June and return on the 25th July and i plan to get straight bk on the wagon to finish my journey after that. I am determined to see it through and you can too believe me. Get ur head in the right place and ur body will follow.

Good luck

Hello i hope you dont mind me butting in and i apologise in advance if im not doing this right as have never posted on a forum before.
I started the ss yesterday weighing in at 16st exactly i'm 5,6 in height, i was wondering i have 8 weeks until i am going away on a hen weekend and its burlesque themed so need to be able to fit into hopefully a size 14 and im currently size 18/20 is this possible in this time frame??
I had 10st1lb to loose, almost half way there. Of course there have been blips but I've always got straight back to it!
Hello i hope you dont mind me butting in and i apologise in advance if im not doing this right as have never posted on a forum before.
I started the ss yesterday weighing in at 16st exactly i'm 5,6 in height, i was wondering i have 8 weeks until i am going away on a hen weekend and its burlesque themed so need to be able to fit into hopefully a size 14 and im currently size 18/20 is this possible in this time frame??

Hey Emily

Unfortunately it's hard to tell because you don't know where the weight is going to come off. I would wait until nearer the time to buy anything

Good luck BessieB :) What step are you starting with?

I've got about 9 stone to lose, I'm starting back on step 3 on Friday (as long as my doctor signs my form on thursday!) Last time I tried the Cambridge weight plan, I started at step 2, I'm not sure why I have to start at step 3 now :/

Bookworm- Not sure if you remember me, but you have done amazingly with your weight loss, well done!!!
I have 13 to lose, I now have 11 ISH, I'm on week 3 x
Thanks you all for replies - will add more later when don't have to get the children ready for school!
I just saw your stats on the left hand side: I was more or less the same BMI at my heaviest. And if I can do, you can too. I know lots of people say that but I do mean it. I am a very impatient woman and will give up very quickly if efforts do not pay. It took me a while but I still haven't given up. Best thing to do is to come back on here whenever you need help. I've always received a lot of support from minimins. I couldn't have done it without this forum. xxx
I just realised that I ticked the wrong box on the form & I'm actually female :giggle:So I'm doing step 2 as from friday. How are you doing today Bessie?

Bookworm, as expected I didn't do well at all with Slimmingworld, I actually lasted 2 days! I've put on more weight & am now roughly a stone heavier than before. I'm ready to change now, I'm constantly tired & find it very difficult to move quickly, which is pretty hard going when you've got a very very active 16 month old! I can't feel any worse than I am now, so bring on the 2 weeks of feeling a bit rough :)
I started at 24st 9lb and hoping to lose 12st 5lb. 16weeks in and I am nearly half way there! It is second nature now, don't really think about it! I have had one weekend off in that time and am so determined this time I got straight back on it :)

So far I have gone from a size 26ish to size 18 skinny jeans and size 16 tops!!!
Hiya I'm on week 3 started at 18stone 3lbs and want to get to 10stone! Lost 17lbs in the first 2 weeks! It's not an easy diet, some days have been a struggle but I've been ss 100%

My target feels a long way off so I know how you feel! Advice I've had on here is to make small targets! Mine is going to be every 2 stone!

Have a hen weekend next weekend so don't know how I'm going to manage getting back on the diet?! Hope it's not too much of a struggle!

Good luck with your weight loss journey x x x
Hi Everyone

Thanks so much for your comments and support - overwhelming! I did CD a few years back and lost a load (8 ish stone) but put all but 2lbs back on - so i know it is doable but have tried to restart so many times that it just seemed insurmountable.I sat here yesterday and couldn't see how it would happen, but your comments have really really help.

Bookworm - you have lost an incredible amount - well done - i'll be back to have my hand held whenever I wobble!! I'm very impatient too - I think thats half my problem - want to be half way there before I have started!
Martha - you are so right about head in right place - last time i did ss 100% for just over 5 months all through birthdays , christmas etc - not a wobble and it seemed so easy - since then one disaster after another - lets hope this time my head it there. Your losses are great too - well done
Emily - can't help with the sizes - sorry
Kimboowee - you are half way there you must be so happy.
Grumbletummy - I'm starting on SS (technically should be up a few levels due to BMI but I have a few sachets left from my last disastrous start - lasted one meal - so by the time i see CDC i will be below BMI 40!) Good luck for Friday - hope it goes well and you get the form signed.Ive done day 1 and half way through day 2 - Have karate this evening with children so should get through today OK as well.
13jul2013 - Nearly 2 stone in 2 weeks - hope mine goes as well! Well done
Startlit Cazza - size 18/16 - yes please! Well done thats a great loss in 16 weeks - have you taken any progress photos?
Gilly - 17lbs - fantastic - I know now that I'm an all or nothing - I can't take a break because I find it too difficult to restart - for me its going to have to be 100% all the way - or try anyway! Enjoy your hen weekend

Thanks again for support - hope I can repay it sometime ;-)

Bessie you will do so great when you keep ur focus. I think you will succeed in your journey and I wish you the best of luck with everything

I've got 7st to loose seems soooooooo far, but im on wk 2 of SS and have lost 14lb so far. I think we will all reach our goals, we just need to remind ourselves of why we wanted to do this in the first place.

well done everyone for getting so far in your journey's

I started with at least 7 stone to lose, managed 2 so far. I tend to think in terms of smaller targets, so getting below the next half stone.