Are wholemeal pitta a HEX B?


Better to Drink your Syns
I have found Asda and co-op wholemeal pitta in the list for HEX B's, so does this mean that any wholemeal pitta is, or just these two?
Try finding the nutritional info for the ones listed on the internet somewhere and then compare it to Tesco. I would have thought that if the calories, fat and fibre are all similar per serving then it should be okay to count the Tesco ones as a HE, shouldn't it? I guess it depends on the size of each one etc.
No, it's not okay to do the compaisons. Otherwise we could choose our own healthy extras with cereal, cereal bars and anything else.

I think the calorie content is pretty much the same but the ingredients in other pittas are different, they contain a lot more oil etc.

If you want to follow the plans correctly, then don't make subsitutions.

Just my opinion of course :)
Yeah, I totally agree re cereals etc. :)

I guess the others will make their way onto the list eventually if they are okay too.

I need to make sure I am more organised before going shopping to avoid doing that.

Might explain a few 'hiccups' in the past!

I think the pitta breads not stated as HEXB have oil and other things in them, whereas the Asda ones have very little, flour, water salt (I think)
That's right,the Pita not listed have oil in them so are not HEX B's.I made the same mistake to begin with.
Although it does say in the F O book that you can substitute supermarkets own label cereal for the branded ones!Hope this helps
Just thought I would add my six pennyworth!
I live in Spain now (although started SW before I moved here so have VERY old books) - can't afford online, and really it's not a lot of use on the "products" front - so just do it on my own.
I can't get any of the products listed so have to use substitutions!
In total I've lost 38 lbs so as long as you stay sensible and keep focused, the substitutions work.
Just my thoughts . . .
the co op ones are actually so much nicer than the tesco ones, i keep mine in the freezer and then take them out and toast them when i need them and they proper puff up nice and big theyre yummy :) xxx