Arms - saggy hanging skin!


Aiming for thin at 30!
Really starting to worry about my bingo wings. They have always been bad, but since the weight loss they are really bad. I am only in my 29th year and my arms are like a 80 year olds.

Since joining the gym I have been doing all the exercises that are recommended, seated dips, static row and shoulder press etc and just noticed that my arms have got quite a bit of definition on the top, however the skin still hangs down below :eek:

Before I pay a fortune out on firming creams that don't work, does anyone know anything that does work? I also have a baggy belly, but I can cope with that as it can be hidden, but I don't want to lose all that weight and be stuck wearing 3/4 length sleeves for the rest of my life.
I can't help, sorry. But I shall be watching this thread with interest as my bingo wings are horrific. I still get my arms out though but feel rubbish when I see photos of them.
Im afraid not, skin is skin and not much can firm it really unless you go under the knife.. it really is annoying isnt it, my tummy skin is getting saggier and saggier as I have a four and a half month old and have lost nearly 2 and a half stone since I had him.. Its not pretty :( xx The only thing I can reccommend is carry on with the toning excercises and see if it improves the look of them x
To be honest the toning exercises are making them look worse cos I am building muscle with a hang underneath - really unsightly. Under the knife seems a great idea if I could afford it!
I wouldn't pay a fortune on firming cream, if I were you - I get the impression that the main benefit from such creams is the regular massage you do to rub it in, which increases blood flow to the skin. So just stick to a cheapie moisturiser, like cocoa butter. I think it will help, but not work miracles.

Unfortunately, I think the only cure is time! I know that in my case, I had some moderate bingo wings this time last year, but now the skin on my arms has tightened up quite a bit. I do work out, but don't target my arms in a major way, just as and when - like using the crosstrainer etc - as I don't want to bulk up.
I always have in my head that i will wear compression garments when I have lost 50% of my weight. The thinking is that I might be able to squeeze it all a bit smaller and minimise any excess skin. I'm aware that I'm completely fooling myself, but I am terrified of looking like a melted candle :cry:
Unfortunately compression garments are expensive, and only actually do anything for people with oedema (e.g old ladies with swollen ankles) or sometimes they are used for severe scars e.g. Very bad burns. They won't do anything for loose skin.

Shhhhhhhhh..... don't ruin it! denialdenialdenial... not listening!
I've been exercising strictly for 5 months so prob after losing the 1st 3 stone and my arms aren't too bad-yes I've got a 'hang' but they're quite defined and only noticeable excess skin is if I lift my arm 90 degrees. Il try and get a pic.

The exercises I do are press ups,burpees,plank and kickboxing (only just started) these are the only 1's I can think of that target my arms-tyre flips and stuff probably contribute aswel x
Excuse the state of some of the pics lol


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Excuse the state of some of the pics lol

Your arms look really good. I wouldn't say they are saggy at all. Well done!
ooh thanks for all the replies! Emma I would love your arms! Who-la-hoop I will start massaging in creams and see what happens, I do the cross trainer too so here's hoping.

Well today I did Zumba for the first time and she did a killer arm exercise (thats what she called it) I found it really hurt my arms and hoping that will help, also its something I can do myself when not at class so I will keep doing that too.
Honestly press ups are amazing for upper arms-I have to do the girly 1's on my knees but if you try doing 3 sets of 30 seconds a few times a day you'll soon see a difference x
Its sad but true a lot of women suffer with the saggy upper arms ageing etc keep up with your exercising Im sure it will help. My CS had her upper arms operated on they looked quite good she had a scar underneath. Its a bit drastic Im not a lover of surgery eeekkkk. Hope the exercise works for you.x
I would happily have surgery - its just the cost! Right have searched my cupboards and have a unused bottle of soap&glory The Firminator that I must have got in a set @xmas. Anyway it "claims" that it is clinically proven to help drain cellular fat and after 56 days you will notice a difference, so getting the OH to massage into my arms each night now and see what happens, its tingling I know that much!!