Ascot - your help please!


Gold Member
Hello all,

I am going to Ascot on saturday and the group of girls I am going with have split the food we are taking for a picnic. I want to make it as syn free as possible so any tips on how I can do this and still have a whale of a time would be fab!
Here is a list of the food everyone is bringing;

Me - potato salad, M&S crisps, pudding
The others are bringing bread, cured meats, salad, quiche etc.

My thoughts were to make the potato salad myself. Does anyone have a good SW recipe that I can borrow? Can I use fromage frais instead of mayo? I also will take some bags of low syn popcorn so that I can avoid the crisps.

For pudding I thought about bringing some meringues and fresh berries (and cream although I will steer clear of that!) Anyone know how many syns in this? Or any other ideas of what I can take?

We are taking champagne so I would rather save my syns for that if possible - I had thought of adding OJ to it but thats even more syns!!!

Any help gratefully received! :)
If you get the helmans lighter than light mayo it is 1/2syn per tbsp. I made a coleslaw with half that and half fromage frais and it was lovely! Enough of a mayo taste but low syn.
Sorry pressed send early so editing!
Meringue nests are around 1.5syns each, you could have one with berries and natural yogurt for pud?
If you want to make the champers go further try a splash of soda- like a spritzer with champagne! X
ScarlettStar86 said:
If you get the helmans lighter than light mayo it is 1/2syn per tbsp. I made a coleslaw with half that and half fromage frais and it was lovely! Enough of a mayo taste but low syn.
Sorry pressed send early so editing!
Meringue nests are around 1.5syns each, you could have one with berries and natural yogurt for pud?
If you want to make the champers go further try a splash of soda- like a spritzer with champagne! X

Oooohhhh thanks - great tip about going half and half :)