Attack Attack


Hi everyone! Can someone help me? I've started the attack phase 2 days ago and already buggered it by having 3 small glasses of wine tonight! I could hit myself. Need to loose 2 stone by April! Anyway what I wanted to ask was,is galette allowed on attack? If so how much a day?? Don't have time to exercise either but thinking of buying a wii on next payday!! Hopefully that will help!! Appreciate if someone could help x
Take a deep breath, and get hold of the book. The diet is much much easier to follow if you understand the principles behind it.

And you don't need a wii - you just need to take a 30 mins walk a day.
No just the normal dukan book. You should be able to get it in most shops. I've seen it in Tesco, Wh smiths etc. Don't buy a wii, you only need to walk.:) X