Avid lite


Full Member
And so it starts again....

Hello everyone,
Im going to try avid lite this time, I think its the same as Flaxinutrition but is cheaper. I havent been on here for a while, but am planning on making regular visits and updating with weight losses!!

Tomorrow is D-Day!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Be careful with this. I use some products as sports supplements but not all are intended as TFR so you need to make sure you ae getting all the nutrients you need. Good luck with your weightloss.
Mudbabe I was about to post more or less the same thing!

Many of the Avidlite products are additions to the diet and not intended as meal replacements so you may go short of nutrients. I have used them, and still do on occasion, but they are not like, say, Cambridge or Exante or other food replacement VLCDs.

Good luck!