
Hello! My name is B and I am about to start Exante on 2/7/2012 to be the bride I want to be in March 2013. This will be my diary of how I went from a B+ to a B-

2/7/2012 - Starting weight 19st5lb
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Good luck on your journey. I am sure you will be a beautiful bride with a beautiful figure!! xx
Good luck B - keep focussing on what you want to achieve the most! I wish I'd known about these diets before I got married 11yrs ago :(

There is no doubt you will look stunning and have a fabulous day!

Big Bottomed Girl said:
Thanks Deej, your week 1 loss is amazing!

Thanks B, am hoping that by this time next week I'll be back there again lol!! After my extended 'day off' (that turned into 3) I might be a coward and avoid the scales until a week tomorrow, although I imagine the urge to see the damage might overrule!

Will definitely try and stay on the straight and narrow from now on - lots of water and 100% TS!

Have a good day tomorrow xx
Good morning, welcome and good luck on your Exante journey B. :hug99: xx
Good afternoon and Welcome.......... :D How you doing? xx
Good afternoon and Welcome.......... :D How you doing? xx

Hello Both!

Well, I am doing ok.. but I haven't had enough, I've only had half a pack of chocolate shake! I had it hot, it was ok but not amazing... am about to have a bar I think.... also probably havent had quite enough water... Hmmm
havent eaten anything else though!
I'm not a fan of the chocolate at all, hot or cold. I think it has no right to be labelled as chocolate, should be sued under the trade description act! :D

Make sure you drink all your water though. xx
Hmm, I'm probably being naughty here but I'm gonna say it anyway! I can't abide the choc shakes soooooo I have half a packet hot with a bit of stevia sweetener and a teaspoon of cocoa. Both the sweetener and cocoa are carb free so I figure it can't do that much damage. Plus, the psychological feeling of having something lush to drink is well worth it:D Another little tip.. get one of those cup milk frothers, (battery ones) they're about a fiver but make all the difference to mixing the 'hot chocolate'. Enjoy xx
Hmm, I'm probably being naughty here but I'm gonna say it anyway! I can't abide the choc shakes soooooo I have half a packet hot with a bit of stevia sweetener and a teaspoon of cocoa. Both the sweetener and cocoa are carb free so I figure it can't do that much damage. Plus, the psychological feeling of having something lush to drink is well worth it:D Another little tip.. get one of those cup milk frothers, (battery ones) they're about a fiver but make all the difference to mixing the 'hot chocolate'. Enjoy xx

Thanks Namaste, good tip. I want to be TS but I also think if I have to make small exceptions to stay as close to that as possible then I will.. I did LL years ago and lost 4 stone using that method. Any particular cocoa?
Ooooh never thought of adding cocoa! Though I'm not risking ordering any more choc ones :D
Just plain cocoa.... not drinking chocolate cos that's loaded with sugar (and carbs). Enjoy :)
Bugger. OH bought drinking cocolate. Gah. I also ate a piece of cheese. But also had a veggie soup which was ok with lots of pepper and paprika.
Ur doin gr8 I luv d CHoc hot mixed into peppermint tea!!! Ok nothin like a mint aero but hey one can pretend....

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Don't beat yourself up over the cheese, there are much worse things you could have reached for! That's my saving grace when I'm struggling-protein!! You're doing well, keep going! :)