

Silver Member
Hiya! I have followed weight watchers successfully in the past however I am now the biggest I have ever been (17stone!) and I can't seem to get stuck back in, I loose and regain the same half stone constantly, I loose the half stone, still feel huge and say I may as well just eat! I joined class again last week... And this week has not gone well! I even chickened out of going to weigh in... No one wants a gain their first week?!
I am desperate to loose weight but can't seem to shake the feeling that I've let it go so far I will never loose it :(
Sorry for my rambling I just meant to say hi!
Well youve not gone too far to sort it out just take little steps they soon add up. Plan your meals and your food each day and take it a day at a time.

Good luck on your weight loss journey
I gained my first few weeks so I know how it feels. But the more you hide from WI the worse you'll feel. Its good to face the music and draw a line under it as you said and move on :)
Great you went to wi at least now you know what you are and you can start again. Good luck with it, just plan your meals for the week and try your best to stick with it and leave yourself enought pp for treats, that is what helps me from binging anyway that fact that i can have something in the evenings im not depriving myself