Back for Good!!!

edge of forever

Full Member
I discovered Dukan last year and didnt do to bad and actually really enjoyed doing the diet, with great results!! I fell off the wagon when I went on holiday and have messed about since then really putting all the weight plus some back on!!:mad: , but have come to a point where enough is enough so back to it as of yeterday!!! its all clicked into place again. I weighed myself yesterday morning and started with a really positive frame of mind, thought I would jump on the scales this morn to see if there as a difference and to my surprise have lost 4lbs!!!!!:D i am over the moon, I understand that it is water, but do feel alot less bloated and frumpy today, and it has given me a shed load of motivation!!!
So wishing everyone the best of luck on their weight loss journey and look forward to sharing our results and tips
Good luck
welcome back and good luck
Good luck! You have done it before so you can do it again! Beware of what made you pile it back on again this time and be prepared :D

That's the biggest challenge for me...keeping it off! I'm glad dukan doesn't just end at your tw.
Welcome back and good luck, this time round you can make it !!!