Harry, don't worry! Just put it behind you and do 100% tomorrow (minus the cake maybe?!

Evenings are the hardest for me too, but you gotta find something else to distract you. Have a bath, play a video game, go to bed! Whatever works for you... I know it's hard to fight the urge to eat... and you find yourself thinking 'oh, I'll start tomorrow, one more day won't make any difference', but each day does count... because putting it off each day results in days turning into weeks, turning into months, and nothing changes, we stay overweight and unhappy.
Make tomorrow the start, and commit hunny... This plan works so well, you could be a stone lighter in 2 weeks if you stick to it. A stone!! Now doesn't that sound great?!
You've still done very well today, you've had less that you normally would consume, so you will still lose. Good luck for tomorrow, and if you feel like caving again, come on here first so we can help you...