Back on it again


Silver Member
Just resorted my old account as i started back at weightwatchers on Tuesday. I need to start a fresh diary as my old one hasn't been posted on for a year and the last posts featured my frustrations at bouncing between 11st11 and 12st3. i weighed in on Tuesday at 14st12.5 so I have clearly made some big changes in the last year!!! My old 'fat' clothes are too small for me now and I have been faced with the choice of buying new clothes in size 20/22 or getting myself back down into the old ones. I have around 5stones to lose - eek!
I have been good since weigh in but today have been struck down with TOTM and a desire to eat everything in sight so am staying out of the kitchen and trying not to ruin my good week.
My twins were 5 on Thursday so i allowed myself a very unsatisfying slither of cake - 6 pp, all within dailies but could have had something much nicer instead -------->:party0036: They have their party tomorrow so yet more cake, nibbles everywhere and the temptations of picking whilst cooking. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - Why did i pick this week of all weeks to restart?

Anyhooo - off out to buy them some party clothes. Pedometer on and halo polished!!!

Looking forward to getting diary up and running later on. This time I AM going to do it
Any tips and inspiration gratefully received!
hi, congrats on getting back onto the weight watchers wagon. your story sounds very familiar to mine so I'm in the same boat as you, I have exactly the same amount of weight to lose, and I've just had to battle through my little ones 4th birthday party without giving into temptation. what I did was have a very low pp breakfast, planned what I was having for tea and then worked out what bits I could pick at. pp it all before hand. wishing you the best of luck with your journey and looking forward to seeing your diary :) xox