Post-Menopausal Maniac!
Hello everyone, I don't suppose anyone here will know me, even though I'm far from a Minimins stranger. I joined four years ago when I did the Cambridge Diet - at the time I was ecstatic because I lost three stone on that (the only serious weight loss I've ever had on any diet). So why am I back, you ask? Firstly, I lost too much hair on the CD - everyone loses a bit, but I had a big thin patch on top and my poor hairdresser nearly had a coronary (it's still growing back now!). Secondly, I carelessly fell down the stairs and broke my ankle badly, and was laid up in bed for ages and ages with lumps of metal in my leg. My kind devoted husband fed me daily 'treats' of fish & chips and pizzas (he's just a lazy git really, lol) - so by the time I was up on crutches and getting about, I'd obviously put all the weight back on - plus another stone!
Although I haven't put any more weight on (thank god!), I've never managed to shake off my excess. I've had SO much happen in my life since then too - family bereavements and illnesses, elderly relatives needing attention, house moves (involving me now living in two countries), forced retirement (due to the moves), sick animals - you name it. Sitting down and thinking about dieting was frankly the last thing on my mind.
I'm now in the kind of awkward position of living mainly in the UK whilst hubby lives abroad - the way things are, there's not much we can do about it at the moment. BUT it means that I can concentrate on my own meals and sort a diet out entirely around me!
CD wasn't an option due to the hair problem, so I did a lot of reading and thought I'd go low-carb - it seems to really work for a lot of people. (I've also had to get real and admit I have a problem with wheat - it bloats me and always has, but being a toast lover I didn't want to hear it!) I'm going along slowly - only lost half a stone so far, but I'm realising what works and what doesn't, and tweaking around a basic Atkins-style plan to fit in with what I like. I'm finding it's easy to eat too much, even on this diet, but I've discovered great things like the Flax Flatbread recipe which is partially solving my bread craving.
The other thing I've found out is that going wheat-free has made me look slimmer than I really deserve to with this small weight-loss - my figure has smoothed out a bit and my face is smaller (even my partially-blind mum noticed it!), so that's a great thing and it shows me that I'm on the right path.
I'm really here to say hello, find out how other people are getting on, and hopefully discover some new recipes! I'll try and come back regularly and keep in touch - don't want to leave it so long this time!
I'm now in the kind of awkward position of living mainly in the UK whilst hubby lives abroad - the way things are, there's not much we can do about it at the moment. BUT it means that I can concentrate on my own meals and sort a diet out entirely around me!
I'm really here to say hello, find out how other people are getting on, and hopefully discover some new recipes! I'll try and come back regularly and keep in touch - don't want to leave it so long this time!