
in my dreams!!!!!!
Hi everyone, been awol for a few weeks now :( excuses being so close to going on girlie weekend so no need, on girlie weekend so no need and finally wait until a thursday for next wi! :party0051:

decided enough is enough and a going back on it tomorrow with a vengence. i know sf works for me as it has for so many on here just needed a kick
up the backside :asskick:again to get me going.

this is such a great site which in the past has been a lifesaver when i've had the munchies or just felt low so will be tapping away a lot in the future.:character00148:

just to say hi again :banana dancer:to lind and sacha and that you're both looking fantastic in your new piccies, go you!

see you tomorrow after a 100% day :innocent0002:
NIce to see you back at it Sparkel, think we all have times where we go off track so don't worry about it, you're doing the right thing now by getting back on it with more determination than ever :)
thanks hun, yeah i'm really ready for it now and know i will be 100% all week as i'm going away again next weekend!
Hey Sparkel.. it's funny there seems to have been a few of us that got lost about the same time.

I got bored of not loosing any weight and just wanted to have a bit of time off.

But like you I'm back on track now. I have 2 planned days off over this weekend and then I am going to go day by day on 100% days. See how long I can last!!!

Good to see you back!! :hug99:
Hiya hunnie - Just wanted to wish you all the best, and good for you for getting back on the wagon. There is no harm in having some time off as long as you bounce right back on the train to your goal destination :D

p.s i will get round to writing back to you pm hun, i get so lost in the CD section its unreal, so many people around and so many post.
Aww thank u!! i went a bit awol too, but luckily have already got the extra weight off as it wasnt too much! Welcome bk ;o)
Hey sparkel, glad to have you back.. even though I haven't been on here too much either. But I bet I have a better excuse! :8855:

tell me more lr!!!!!

LOL! You remember that guy I started seeing a little over a month ago. Well it's gotten to the point where we spend all our freetime together, and then some. I am soo sooo tired. I'm getting home at like 1am every night just to get up 5 hours later to go to work. And everytime I think I have a break, he changes his plans so he can see me. :8855: I spent three days straight with him this past weekend (4th of july here) and then yesterday he was like.. I miss you.. come see me! :8855: It's fun and exciting and exhausting all at the same time. :blahblah:

You have facebook Sparkel??

I'm so happy for you LR, sounds like your having so much fun. Hope you had a good 4th July weekend! I loved celebrating 4th July when I was out in the states, we had so much fun that weekend! Now I get to celebrate my wedding anniversary on 4th July :D
Hey LR Hope ur well.. glad 2 hear uve met a nice guy! x
hiya hun, wow, am really pleased for you... told you there was someone out there for you just waiting for the right moment :love:! enjoy every minute lr you deserve it. the first few months are the best, getting to find all about them and loving those "special" times, he he. bet those lbs are coming off thick and fast now.

yeah hunny, i'm on facebook, same pic with kim knight, don't know too much about it so let me know if you need anything else x