in my dreams!!!!!!
Hi everyone, been awol for a few weeks now excuses being so close to going on girlie weekend so no need, on girlie weekend so no need and finally wait until a thursday for next wi! arty0051:
decided enough is enough and a going back on it tomorrow with a vengence. i know sf works for me as it has for so many on here just needed a kick
up the backside again to get me going.
this is such a great site which in the past has been a lifesaver when i've had the munchies or just felt low so will be tapping away a lot in the future.:character00148:
just to say hi again :banana dancer:to lind and sacha and that you're both looking fantastic in your new piccies, go you!
see you tomorrow after a 100% day :innocent0002:
decided enough is enough and a going back on it tomorrow with a vengence. i know sf works for me as it has for so many on here just needed a kick
up the backside again to get me going.
this is such a great site which in the past has been a lifesaver when i've had the munchies or just felt low so will be tapping away a lot in the future.:character00148:
just to say hi again :banana dancer:to lind and sacha and that you're both looking fantastic in your new piccies, go you!
see you tomorrow after a 100% day :innocent0002: