It's funny isn't it cos I wouldn't have even considered turkey rashers as an option - just seem too processed, like they've gone though some machine: turkey meat all mashed up and put through a thing and constructed to look like something they're not. Yet bacon on the other hand is a lump of honest pig meat, soaked in brine to take out the water, then cured and/or smoked to preserve it, then sliced, and you get a reckonisable piece of meat, back or streaky or whatever.
I couldn't find any turkey rashers when I was doing the diet proper ie cruise or conso, so I had back bacon every now and again for breakfast as a special treat with scrambled egg. No more than once a week and always took the fat off. Leanest cut I could get. Don't think it did me any harm, and I don't think it's any worse than ham, to be honest. Bacon has such a strong flavour you only need a little to get a big taste, so it's quite good from that point of view.