

Could someone please advise what bacon is acceptable on the atkins?

The book says nitrate free?? can any packed from the supermarket be fine?

normally by the thin streaky bacon?

also what about HAM i could use in a salad?

hi as far as i am aware the pre cooked (like wafer thin or processed) meat is the stuff to stay clear from as they contain sugar and starch.

Go for any bacon and use "real" meat like ham from the bone and you will be fine, defo recommend starting a diary i am new and the tips / help the guys here provide is excellent xx
you will be fine with the pre packed bacon. I asked the same question about the nitrate. If you look its on alot of packs. But bacon is fine. It hasn't done us any harm.!!
Hi Mattymoo, Hard to find nitrate free. If you google it, I think some farm shops that deliver have it. Probably quite costly though.