Bad day

Hi folks

Hope ur all having a good day!

I jus need a good old realise

Today I jus feel like eating a tub of ice cream n a big plate of burgers mmm :/

Just having one of those days, I'm all stressed up with too many choices to make one big decision and I just want to turn to my old comfort junk food. I know it's bad as for that tiny Lil high that I'd get I'd regret it but in struggling today to stay on top of it. I'd usually give up about now an give in but I don't want. How do you guys stay strong ?? What's you inspiration/thinsperation/motivation

Mel x
** so this is my opinion, so disagree or laugh at this if you want .. if anyone else had other ideas please share (so i don't look like a complete fool ;) lol ) **

After deciding to lose weight for good, not go on a diet but just start living healthier.. i had seen a photo of me at my biggest and knew i wasn't happy, that photo inspired me to do this, to adopt the s.w way of life ..

Just to let you know during your s.w journey you are going to have bad days or a few days maybe a week and thats fine. just don't give up, pick yourself up and carry on when your ready.
Sometimes life gets in the way and you have to deal with it the best you can, there are no easy answers and mistakes can be made easily. with every mistake you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, lift your head up high and carry on.

So, this is what i did to motivate myself.. have a sit down somewhere quite with something to drink and have a real honest chat with yourself.. and when i say honest i mean 'honest'.. are you happy? do you want to lose weight? etc. i asked myself all questions like that and found out that altho i was a happy bubbly guy always up for a laugh and a joke inside i was sad, tired, tired of pretending to be happy. and i knew that with my weight i was slowly commiting suicide.. i knew i wanted change.

i knew it was going to be tough, my food would be changing and i would have to start excercising, but most of all i knew it would take time.
every morning i get up and tell myself 'today i will do better then yesterday' .. i look back at my old me and see how much better i feel and look ''i did that''.. and, did it hurt? - no .. was the food horrible and taste nasty? - no .. did going the gym and working my ass off hurt? - at the time maybe, but felt amazing afterwards ;)

a huge part of weight loss is believing that you can do it and realizing that it's not going to happen overnight.

i'm not saying i'm 100%, 100% of the time, i make mistakes. i have days were i eat 'junk', can't be bothered with excercise or going the gym, as long as i know that in the morning 'today i will do better then yesterday'.

don't look at your failures or get upset that you've only lost x pounds this week.. look at it as a loss, even a small one.. it all adds up.. take each day as it comes, day by day, step by step.. you will hit that goal eventually, you just have to keep trying your best.

so, whats my motivation, inspiration or thinspiration?... i am, me.
i don't give up. i do stumble and fall, but get right back up and carry on. i look at where i was and where i am now, i know i did that, i can do more if i just keep moving forward.

It's going to take time and effort, but it is so worth it.. i'm just over half way on my weight loss journey and for the first time ever in my adult life i can say i'm really happy, not faking it, or pretending.. i feel healthy, strong and i can do anything.. it's an amazing feeling.

i just hope everyone could feel like this.

Don't dream it, be it :D

Whenever I feel like eating Choc or junk etc I just google 1lb of fat, the visual really helps. Plus it's worth remembering that 5lbs is the same as one brick. So it's crazy to think this time a month ago I was carrying 3 of those bricks around with me
when ever i think of a lb of fat i always see that picture of the overflowing coffee mug of yellow crud that you see on some peoples posts.. makes me sick and just wants to keep going, i think i have a pic somewhere of 100 lbs of that realistic looking 'fake fat', might have to look for it and post it somewhere?.