I have never heard of anyone having 3 bars a day, whenever I have more than one I get awful wind so I would use with caution. Have you tried all of the shakes? I can't stand most of them (they literally make me sick too), I only like chocolate and chocolate mint and they grew on me over a few months, sometimes it is just a case of persevering (I blend mine with ice like a MacDonalds thick shake). Have you tried the tetras? they are a bit sweet at first but do get better, I don't really like any of the savoury or porridge either. I would also consider SS+ as I think you will go crazy on just lemon bars and at least that way you can have a small meal.
I would think the losses would be just the same as on any of the packs. Good luck and I hope you find something that you like as much as the lemon bars. Of not, enjoy the lemon.
Hi thanks for the reply I have tried every shake and most of the soups and the tetras they all make me feel sick the only thing I get on with is the bars I have lots to lose want to lose as much as possible before Xmas. X
Hi claire2010
I have had 3 lemon bars for weeks on end and had a steady weight loss every week averaging 2.5-3lbs , but everyone is diffrent try them and see how you get on xx
Let us know how you get on. Even though it says I you can have more than one lemon bar a day I have always been unsure of how it will effect my weight loss on SS+. I would be interested in knowing your experiences.