Full Member
As I have endless pieces of paper with random days amounts of points thought I would start food diary
if anyone notices my points are wrong please tell me !
16.11.2010 - 22 points
Breakfast : crumpet & flora - 2 points
mid morning : muller light - 1.5 points
lunch : pasta & ww salad cream & tuna-7.5 points
mid afternoon : snack a jacks - 1.5 points
Dinner : chicken breast+garlic mushrooms+ small jacket potato +ww salad cream - 6.5
large glass of white wine - 3
16.11.2010 - 22 points
Breakfast : crumpet & flora - 2 points
mid morning : muller light - 1.5 points
lunch : pasta & ww salad cream & tuna-7.5 points
mid afternoon : snack a jacks - 1.5 points
Dinner : chicken breast+garlic mushrooms+ small jacket potato +ww salad cream - 6.5
large glass of white wine - 3