Beanie (kitten)


I can haz cake?


Got him from a rescue home here in N.Ireland in December 2010 :)

he's about 5 months old and just had the snip :p
Beanie is soooo cute:)

And congrats for having a rescued pet, those are the ones who really need someone ;)
Rescue animals are the best. I've lived with two rescue cats and an ex-racing greyhound and they were all great :)
Hes got such a lovely nature! We are in the middle of training him to use the catflap and he's a wee bit terrified of it!! lol

There was a litter in the home and one of the other babies is still there, lovely little black and white thing. When we went to choose beanie that lil one had a bad eye infection. Because they had to keep treating it and poking into its eyes etc it got very antisocial. We went for a visit not that long ago and it hisses at everyone and everything :( really sad!
What a cutie he is :D x