Been Experimenting


Gold Member
Probably someone has made this before, but I saw a recipe in a magazine and adapted it..

Cheese and Onion Couscous Cake

11oz Couscous
1 egg white
HE portion of cheese (the stronger the better)
Spring onions
Salt and pepper

Soak the couscous in 1/2 pint boiling water
Mix together the egg, cheese, salt and pepper.
Fry off the onions in frylight till golden
Add the couscous to the egg mix, add onions.
Place couscous mix into frying pan and press down to make a cake
Cook on a gentle heat for 15 mins, then turn using a plate and continue cooking other side for a further 8-10 mins.

Turn out and cut into wedges.. serve with salad ..

Ideal for lunch boxes.. add more to it such as peppers garlic etc.

Just going to get polenta cake out of oven... watch this space
that sounds freakin lovely!

my dad made a nice heavy type bread using polenta. it had tomato puree in it and some roast red peppers (the ones you buy in brine in glass jars), roast onions, but i can't remember how he did it.
Polenta cake.. not bad.. can think of a few ways to improve.. needs more flavour.. I put vanilla essence and lemon in it but still tastes pretty bland.

I would imagine if you made the recipe up and put savoury in it would make the heavy type bread. So i would fry off onions peppers garlic till nicely brown add the tom puree, then I would add HE cheese, put all in a mixer add 1 x egg salt & pepper 200 g of polenta, 2 tbsp natural yog,, 1 tsp baking powder and mix.

Spray a loaf or cake tin with frylight pour in mixture and cook till brown (about 20mins) on gas 5-6
Hi Em - hope you will still be inspired to make all this yummy food when i stay in August!