Berry Water flavouring!!


Silver Member
Why I have never tried it before I dont know, but had some from my CDC Saturday and I have to say its scrumptious!! :D :D :D :D .


Drinking my water has ALWAYS been a chore and admit I have struggled.... but adding some of the flavouring has made it so much easier and nicer to drink.

I have nearly guzzled all my daily water that I take to work already :eek: where as usually am glugging/forcing down the last glass at about 4pm.

I am really enjoying it now.! :) :) :)
the berry one is nice, isnt it?

i have it but have only used it a few times. i tend to save it til im really struggling to drink the water. i find having my water from a brita filter and cold from the fridge makes it really yummy on its own but the berry is a life saver when u need to glug down ur water.

happy glugging!
Glad you like it Debs - you can have it hot too, or you can use it in your shakes too! Choc with berry tastes a bit like black forrest gateaux (ok you need a little imagination too!) also makes strawberry or fruits of forrest taste richer.

Beware - you are only meant to have 1 teaspoon a day though! ....... although I always used it whenever I wanted with no adverse effects.

I was under the impression you could have as much CD flavouring as you need/wanted?? thought it was only MAM+ savoury flavour that you had to be restricted on??

I know i have way more than a tsp a day!!

So glad you like it Deb, it certainly made my SSing easier, as you're now on 1000, you don't need to worry about the 1tsp a day either, you'll be ok to have more, but anyone still SSing should limit all drink flavourings to 1 tsp a day - sorry.
So glad you like it Deb, it certainly made my SSing easier, as you're now on 1000, you don't need to worry about the 1tsp a day either, you'll be ok to have more, but anyone still SSing should limit all drink flavourings to 1 tsp a day - sorry.

I just wish I had tried it earlier!! :D . Will have to try the orange now also.

I have been putting 1 tsp in 2.5l which I am finding tastes ok and loving it. :)
Theres a restriction on water flavourings? Since when?
Oops... I must have 5-6 teaspoons a day of the stuff, that said i have still lost 7lb in a week at the same time! (sorry ladies) So cant be harming me..