Attack Best muffin recipe


Full Member
Hi all,

Im needing a cakey fix and I finish Attack tomorrow.Ive seen lots of recipes on here for muffins-and was wondering which were the tastiest/nicest in your opinions.

After something sweet rather than savoury....

Many many thanks xxxxxxxx
Hi, the one I use is

4 tbsp oatbran
2tbsp wheatbran
1tsp baking powder
4tbsp skimmed milk powder
4tbsp sweetener
1 mullerlight toffee yoghurt
3 tbsp quark
4 eggs

Bake for 20-25 mins in silicon muffin cases and enjoy!!!!
thats the one i use too scooter, its one of Trudy's I think.

As a really really quick fix though, I use this one.

1tbs Oatbran
½tbs Wheatbran
2tbs Skim Milk Powder
1tbs Quark or Fromage Frais
1 Egg
1tsp Baking Powder
2tbs Sweetner
Flavourings to taste

Mix it all really really well, pour into a microwavable container (i use a chinese rectangle tub lined with greaseproof). Microwave on 600W for 3mins. its fabulous and so quick when you need something on the spur. I then let it cool a bit, slice it across in half and spread sweetened quark on once side and quite often Dukan Lemon curd on the other and put together like a cake. Slice into small squares and savour and enjoy LOL.

And because it only uses half your bran allowances, you can use the rest to do your porridge in the mornning for breakfast. LOL.
Happy Easter Emma, I use Ellies and perfect every time
2 days oatbran allowance
4tbsp oatbran
2tbsp wheatbran
4-5tbsp sweetner
2 eggs
1/2tsp baking powder
5tbsp of yoghurt
choice of flavorings
180 for 20-25 mins
Enjoy xxx
I've just had two seriously gorgeous muffins and thought 'have you tried them yet'????
I couldn't have survived dukan without my muffins - and the funny thing is you feel so naughty having them ;-)
i make the bread in microwave mix, then use half to spread with sweetened quark and lemon curd, every thats my cake fix LOL