Birth Annoucements and Stories

Im taking paracetamol and diclofenac health visitor said today to replace with ibuprofen when they are finished. As long as i know its normal, hubby keeps saying have the stitches checked but i cant explain its not them its just sore! Plus now i feel quite chapped now (tmi) i think its due to having bottoms on all the time which im not used to. Do i use sudocrem (not near the stitches) or talc? I shower twice a day its just making me feal fed up! Thanks for the advice i find all this very humiliating i know in shouldn't but apart from saying im sore theres no way i would tell the health visitor and discuss it i get all embarrassed!

Noooo don't go near them with anything like that. Keep it clean, lots of showers, pat dry and keep changing your pads regularly. The only reason I would suggest having a look (you can do it yourself with a mirror) is just to see how it's healing generally, or if it's angry looking. If it's angry looking you might have a small infection which is contributing to the throbbing. And you would need antibiotics from the GP. How many weeks old is she? X
A week old so its early days, realy. Looks to be okay theres no fresh blood coming from the cut. I think the pads are irritating me too, i have bought some thin maternity ones but haven't used them for about 15 years a feel very strange and are not comfy ! X
My birth story from the 20th to the 25 September...went in hospital to be induced Saturday morning 8am had no idea what to expect just I knew it might take a while, was in antenatal ward and checked and I was 1cm and 100% effaced so they couldn't do the pessary and I had to wait for a room in labour ward, so I waited all of Saturday and the Sunday came and I said look what's going on because these girls around me are having the pessarys and then progressing then going up to labour ward so I'm not even sure why I'm here I'm not even progressing by myself I need help, of course they all just ignored me until finally a midwife said to me I'm not sure why they letting you carry on like this I'll go see if I can put the pessary in, so she did at 1am Monday morning so I had wasted time there, at around 6am I woke up starting to get some pains which then progressed onto big contractions at around 8am started on some gas and air got checked I was 2-3cm then at 10 contractions got worse and waters broke, got checked around 12 I was 7 cm and got taken down to labour ward, still on the gas and air they checked and said I was 10 and to push with contractions, I was getting bad pains in my hips and back and didn't feel right to push I was just pooing everywere, they even took the gas and air off me to concentrate so I was in agony trying to push for an hour with all the contractions and pain in my back and bum so it was unbearable I couldn't even move they tried to make me go on all fours but it was agony, they said I wasent pushing but I was trying my hardest but it felt so wrong I didn't get the urge to push my back felt like it was getting broke it half, after an hour and a half I said please give me an epidural I can't do it by this point I thought I was going to pass out from the pain, they gave me gas and air which I sucked the life out of it whilst they was saying his heart rates dropping someone else came in and checked and said I was only 9 cm and baby was distressed I needed to go to theartre now, I had the epidural, sitting on my bum keeping as still as possible with contractions shooting up my bum and back was complete agony but I needed the relief quickly, he started to do it then I felt an electric shock down my left leg which then made me move, he said he's had to take it out and do it again, once it was done I started to feel completely relaxed and numb even my arms were going numb and my speech started to get effected which now makes me think I prob had a spinal block as u couldn't move atall, I went to theartre they said there either going to try forecepts or put me to sleep or c section I said just please get him out safe, I was just happy I was numb but just wanted him out, I was on my own for a while I figured my oh would be in soon and eventually he came in blue outfit and sat next to me while my legs were in huge stirrups, there was a lot of time passed then eventually baby got pulled out with forecepts and put on me I was relieved, he got cleaned up and handed to oh I was so happy but so out of it I couldn't cry my eyes just about opened, after what seemed like forever stitching me up, I was wheeled down to recovery room were i finally woke up a bit more and has tea and toast, later on that the anethasist came round to see how I was doing I said fine but got a bit of a headache then she gave me info about epidural headaches, then the next day I eventually got all the symptoms bad head stuff neck sensitive to lights nausea, the anethasist explained when I moved it could of caused a puncture so I prob had a leak, I said well i didn't move but I felt an electric shock down one leg, (so wasent even my fault he caught a nerve) so I then had to have a blood patch test which is were they take blood inject in it the spinal fluid to try blood clot if I has a puncture hole, had bed rest for 24 hours still felt pain in head and neck whenever I stood or layed up but I went away when in laying down which is a classic symptom, got discharged yesterday evening but to come back if they stayed the same or got worse, been layed in bed since yesterday only getting up to go to the toilet and then my banging headache comes back, so not only can I not look after my own baby luckily oh and my mum has been complete angels looking after me and baby, I can't sit up to hold him or feed him, I had episiotomy so my stitches are complete agony even with painkillers, I'm always crying with the pain and the fact I just want to feel better and spend time with my baby, I'm so upset because I know even if my headache went away my stitches are gonna be week before I can even sit down or move propley, had an awful experience but looking at my baby he's totally worth all the pain he's gorgeous
Sounds like you've had it so tough :-( hope everything starts to look up for you soon xxx
Sounds like you've had a rough time Hun, hope you get better soon x
You have really been through it haven't you , wishing you a speedy recovery glad you have lots of support. Dont worry too much about the stitches you will learn to adapt to how you can sit and what you can do just like when you was pregnant. At least you can get lovely snuggles with your baba tucked up in bed. Maybe try having a bath with him too xx
Wow you've definitely had a rough time. I had spinal block, episiotomy and forceps but I was really lucky with mine. I know the resting is hard but you're getting better for that gorgeous little man of yours. Huge congratulations and wishing you a speedy recovery xx
Oh hun. I feel for you so much, you've been (going) through an awful time at the moment. I hope you get better asap :( xx

Congratulations on your gorgeous little boy xx
Congratulations on your new little boy!

So sorry to hear you have had such a hard time of it and I hope you feel better soon!:flowers::flowers::flowers:

Can't belive my little man was the first baby born on this thread and he will be 1 in 14 daysit's gone so fast from this to this, he's my little


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Can't belive my little man was the first baby born on this thread and he will be 1 in 14 daysit's gone so fast from this to this, he's my little

Wow, that's flown. Cole is 1 in 30 days. It's scary! How are you all?xx
Can't belive my little man was the first baby born on this thread and he will be 1 in 14 daysit's gone so fast from this to this, he's my little

He's soo gorgeous!!!! Can't believe how quick that has gone! He looks like a proper little boy x

Amelia is 9 months old tomorrow :( x
He's soo gorgeous!!!! Can't believe how quick that has gone! He looks like a proper little boy x

Amelia is 9 months old tomorrow :( x

He does look like a proper little boy, I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that, where's my baby gone :(

Hope you and amelia are ok, hope your morning sickness has
He does look like a proper little boy, I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that, where's my baby gone :(

Hope you and amelia are ok, hope your morning sickness has

:( xxx Its lovely, but I feel sad that Amelia will be 1 in 3 months. Really sad!

All good here thanks hun x didnt get any sickness in the end! Felt sick for a bit and then it turned into a sickness bug! So pretty sure it was just that as nothing since. Wouldnt even know I was pregnant! Have my 12 week scan on friday xx
We are fine, how are you all? How's Cole doing? It's crazy how fast it's gone. I really need to come on here more, I love reading all your diarys.x

We're all good too. Cole's fab. Started walking last week, proper proud mummy moment!! X
We're all good too. Cole's fab. Started walking last week, proper proud mummy moment!! X

Aww bless him, Freddie is cruising the furniture and standing on his own, he did a couple of tiny steps last week trying to walk to me but had nothing since, I doubt he will be walking before he's 1, my older boy was 10 months when he walked, it's funny how they are different Freddie loves walking about with his push along walker thing xxx