Back on the diet train...
Ok I'm Becki and I'm 24. I started lipotrim on 11/1/12 weighing in at a whopping 18st 3lb and at just under 5ft 4 that looked massive believe me
I was a pant size 22 and top size up to 24 depending on the shop. I lived in baggy pants, black tshirts and hoodies (men's XL I might add) I had about 4 chins, got out of breath at the slightest bit of movement, had heartburn all the time and my legs killed me when walking as my feet/ankles would swell up and i was tired all the time!! I never made any effort or wore make up as I was fat so why bother. Other than working I would only go out to eat or to the pics with my mum and I rarely met up with friends as I was embarrassed.
I've been on the plan now for 18 weeks (feels strange to write that) and I've lost 4st 12lb (fingers crossed on weds weigh in I hit 5st
) last time I did my inches I had lost 35 overall and I'm now a pant size 14 and tops size 16/18. I also only have 1 chin now
. Mostly though I feel great, my legs don't hurt any more, my ailments have disappeared and I don't feel down in dumps anymore and people are noticing my weight loss and it feel fab to get nice comments about how well I look. 
The reason I decided to post this is because today I wore my fitted pair of 14 jeans with a lovely pink top and I did my make up. The first thing my dad said was 'you look pretty' now my dad is the king of the sarky comment so it was a lovely, unexpected comment. The main reason is my aunty said to me that even though she can see how well I've done the thing that stands out the most is I look really happy and she's right, I am happy.
This diet is tough, not only physically but mentally. Having to address issues without food and sort out life without falling back on eating was the hardest thing ever but I did it. Ive actually found the diet easy in some ways as once in ketosis hunger is gone and you know where you are with 3 shakes, no counting calories or points. Just 3 little shakes and good old H20
I've still got 3 and a bit stone to go but this time I'm ready to finish my journey and start the next chapter of my life. Slimmer, healthier and happier.
I hope this helps those of you starting or having a bad day. Just remember its not forever and it's fast. Thanks for reading and good luck everyone!
I was a pant size 22 and top size up to 24 depending on the shop. I lived in baggy pants, black tshirts and hoodies (men's XL I might add) I had about 4 chins, got out of breath at the slightest bit of movement, had heartburn all the time and my legs killed me when walking as my feet/ankles would swell up and i was tired all the time!! I never made any effort or wore make up as I was fat so why bother. Other than working I would only go out to eat or to the pics with my mum and I rarely met up with friends as I was embarrassed.
I've been on the plan now for 18 weeks (feels strange to write that) and I've lost 4st 12lb (fingers crossed on weds weigh in I hit 5st
The reason I decided to post this is because today I wore my fitted pair of 14 jeans with a lovely pink top and I did my make up. The first thing my dad said was 'you look pretty' now my dad is the king of the sarky comment so it was a lovely, unexpected comment. The main reason is my aunty said to me that even though she can see how well I've done the thing that stands out the most is I look really happy and she's right, I am happy.
This diet is tough, not only physically but mentally. Having to address issues without food and sort out life without falling back on eating was the hardest thing ever but I did it. Ive actually found the diet easy in some ways as once in ketosis hunger is gone and you know where you are with 3 shakes, no counting calories or points. Just 3 little shakes and good old H20
I've still got 3 and a bit stone to go but this time I'm ready to finish my journey and start the next chapter of my life. Slimmer, healthier and happier.
I hope this helps those of you starting or having a bad day. Just remember its not forever and it's fast. Thanks for reading and good luck everyone!